Thanksgiving Open Thread

Thank you to all of our readers. Whether you agree or disagree with us, it is an honor to present our view of the California political world every day.

Now, for some links.

• Capitol Weekly has a profile of Chris Norby, the leading vote getter in the special election to replace Mike Duvall. He’s a right-wing ideologue. A thoughtful ideologue, but an ideologue just the same.

• Hey, look at that. It’s easy to start the initiative process, but expensive to carry it through. And shockingly, drug testing for legislators didn’t get all the necessary signatures.

• Garry South is a fan of new Meg Whitman hire Mike Murphy’s work, saying that he “brings a centrist perspective that befits the political climate in California pretty well.”

• Real estate market news: Home starts are up in the Sacramento area, and home prices increased in San Diego, but the rate decreased.

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Open Thread”

  1. …and I like the fact that you are okay with disagreement. This makes you unique in the so-called ‘progressive blogosphere…’ where I know for a fact that if you do not worship at the altar of Obama you will be banned.

    Kudos to all who make this site work!

  2. In Orange County there are two kinds of Republicans — the ones favored by the OCGOP and the ones who are not.

    The real story with Chris Norby winning the special election in AD 72 is that he was NOT the choice of the OCGOP. Sure, they’ll embrace him (at least half-heartedly) now that he’s won the primary but he’s not their creature.  

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