Resnick… a political liability

Not long ago, I posted an entry at California Greening that called for a boycott of Stewart Resnick’s Fuji Water brand.  That was before the recent San Francisco published a front page story by Lance Williams of the Center for Investigative Reporting that tied Resnick to Lady Di… a story that she was forced to deny today.

Now, I am beginning to hear rumbles that others will be calling for the boycott as well.  We shall see when it happens.  I mean this issues is not like the grape boycott, but the target is the same: arrogant agribusiness owners… Resnick probably never got his hands dirty in his life… who take every advantage to increase their wealth.

I would love to understand the rationale for the LA County Democratic Party Issues and Advocacy Committee accepting $25 K from Resnick back on May 13, 2009.  Would that issue have been water?