December 11 Open Thread

Links for your weekend:

• Gil Cedillo is not backing down from his plan to run against Speaker-elect John Perez. However, he is now suggesting that Perez move to Kevin De Leon’s district to run in that seat, and De Leon can run for the termed out Cedillo’s seat.  Or something.

• Way too many children who qualify for free breakfasts are not getting them. The program really has astonishing results; we really need to improve takeup of the program.

• Former CDP Chair Art Torres got a big pay raise.  He will also be responsible for the government relations work now.

• H1N1 vaccine is getting more common around the state.

8 thoughts on “December 11 Open Thread”

  1. When the LA Democrats stop their game of musical seats, one would hope that Cedillo is the odd man out.  I have disliked him ever since this LA County Senator added his name to a Monsanto Bill originally sponsored by Bill Maze in the Assembly.  This bill would have prevented communities or counties from placing restrictions on the use of GMO seeds, clearly to the liking of Monsanto.  

    We have seen the impact of GMO proliferation in the rice industry recently, where Bayer got slapped with a significant court setback… not so much for the $2 mil cost as for the precedent of being responsible for the proliferation of the genetic material they developed.  

  2. I’m curious what are the astonishing results of free breakfast? School food is barely edible slop with a side of orange juice that is 99% water and added sugars. The meat is even lower grade than Mc Donalds.  I can’t see in what scenario more kids eating it being a good thing except perhaps for kids suffering total starvation.  

  3. The food is crap!  It’s sugary, and not so warm when served, and provides NO real nutritional value.  And it’s usually provided by some crap-tacular corporation for a spectacular profit.  But it is served by very caring, low wage, usually women who live in the district who may have or had children who went to these schools.

    We could do a great thing by allowing districts to buy, prepare and, serve food on site that YOU would be willing to eat.  Food service workers see hunger everyday and act courageously in SNEAKING a wee bit extra to hungry children at the risk of their jobs.  Many have been or will be laid off due to our up-side-down priorities.

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