January 25 Open Thread


* Prince Frederic von Anhalt, Duke of Saxony and husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor, is running for governor. Apparently the Germans want to succeed the Austrians. Interestingly enough, his policy platform is more progressive than anything Jerry Brown has offered so far. Isn’t that sad?

* John A. Pérez will officially become Speaker on March 1. Good to see an orderly transition is under way.

* Darrell Steinberg has introduced a bill to name the Legislative Office Building after Bill Cavala, the longtime Democratic strategist and aide to Speakers from Willie Brown to Fabian Núñez who died on December 24.

* Bill Monning (AD-27) and other state lawmakers whose district includes the coast have formed a Coastal Caucus in the legislature. I’m guessing one of their first battles will be to stop the revived Tranquillon Ridge oil drilling plan.

One thought on “January 25 Open Thread”

  1. We have done much worse. That guy’s appearances made the 24 hour coverage Anna Nicole Smith’s death slightly less unbearable, so that’s a point in his favor IMO.

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