Next Up on the RIght Wing Agenda: Ending Choice

Now that the folks behind Prop 8 have passed a constitutional amendment declaring that separate but equal is A-ok here in California, they’re back on the task of ending choice in the state.  Like they’ve done in other states, they’re going for a personhood initiative. The party of biblical (and those who are fooled into joining) law, the American Independent Party, is ready to take that Prop 8 energy to end a woman’s right to choose. Fired up!

Just over a year ago you and a majority of California voters were able to protect marriage in our state through Proposition 8 in a major victory for our children and families. The key to success was our willingness to unite north and south, urban and rural, across what could have been significant barriers, to work hand-in-hand for what we all know is Biblical truth and for the benefit of everyone.

Now we have an opportunity to work together for the good of all – and we can save millions of lives in the process through the California Human Rights Amendment (known as CHRA). Similar movements are taking place in over 30 states across the country as God is at work everywhere.

Here in our state, the CHRA will amend the California Constitution to ensure that human rights for everyone begin at conception. A child not yet born will thus have the same rights and full protection under law as those of us who have a few years on us.

In fact, a judge in Carson City recently tossed the Nevada version off the ballot. This is a dangerous and explosive initative that should scare all supporters of choice in California.

So, who is this? Why it is the same Dr. Jim Garlow who went off on video about the gayz coming to rape your children.

At this point, I’m still pretty skeptical about this getting on the ballot, but if it does, we’ll have a do-or-become South Dakota fight on our hands. Check the full letter over the flip.

Dear AIP Affiliates and Friends,

Just over a year ago you and a majority of California voters were able

to protect marriage in our state through Proposition 8 in a major

victory for our children and families. The key to success was our

willingness to unite north and south, urban and rural, across what

could have been significant barriers, to work hand-in-hand for what we

all know is Biblical truth and for the benefit of everyone.

Now we have an opportunity to work together for the good of all – and

we can save millions of lives in the process through the California

Human Rights Amendment (known as CHRA). Similar movements are taking

place in over 30 states across the country as God is at work


Here in our state, the CHRA will amend the California Constitution to

ensure that human rights for everyone begin at conception. A child not

yet born will thus have the same rights and full protection under law

as those of us who have a few years on us.

This important initiative is currently in the petition stage in

preparation for voting in November 2010. Before it can get on the

ballot, however, 1.2 million signatures must be collected by mid-April

from those registered to vote in the state.

Collecting that many signatures is a huge undertaking, as we know, but

we also know it is possible if we all work together as we did for Prop

8. The help you and your friends and associates, political allies and

congregation can provide now is critical to achieving the goal – and

fortunately, it’s not difficult when each of us does our part.

Please learn all about CHRA and download the petitions at

If everyone takes at least one petition and collects the ten

signatures permitted on each from friends, co-workers, fellow church

or other association members, neighbors, and family members who are

California registered voters, all of us working together can

accomplish this task in a very short time. Be sure to ask them if they

too would like to circulate the petition. Ask them who else they know

is likely to sign or would be interested in circulating a petition.

(One circulator per petition.) To ensure the validity of the

petitions, be sure to read all the instructions on the website

carefully. For example, you must use legal sized paper printed

front-and-back and ensure that the font size (how big the letters are)

and margins are exactly as specified.

Also on the website you will find instructions for finishing,

addressing, and mailing the petitions. They must be received by early

April, but to insure success, we ask you to mail your petitions in

small groups as soon as they are returned to you.

If you or others in your circle of friends want to do more to ensure

the passage of the CHRA, you will find that information at as well. As with Prop 8,

passage of this amendment needs prayer, volunteers who can help in a

variety of ways, and financial donors too.

None of us can do this alone, but together “all things are possible”

and with God’s help, you and I can save countless lives and future

generations of Californians.

In addition, to meet up with like-minded people,

see below for Sanctity of Life Weekend Events.

Your Invitation to Action!Sanctity of Life Weekend – January 22-24, 2010 with 4 Pro-life Events

We are approaching Sanctity of Life Weekend 2010, the 37th anniversary

of the battle to reverse the stain of the Roe v Wade decision of

January 22, 1972, which made the killing of the pre-born legal in our


Much has been accomplished. For the first time in recent decades, a

majority of Americans are identifying themselves as “Pro-Life”.

Actions are taking place in California and in 30+ other states to give

human rights to babies at conception! However, much remains to be

accomplished and together we need to protect the lives and rights of

the pre-born more than ever before. Together we can effect change with

eternal significance.

You, your friends, political allies, and your congregation are invited

to participate in the following four events as together we push

forward to preserve the lives of millions of future Americans!

6th Annual West Coast “Walk for Life”

Saturday January 23 – 11 AM – San Francisco

The largest pro-life event in CA. – 32,000 in 2009, 35,000+ expected this year

Speakers include Abby Johnson (ex-Planned Parenthood employee), David

Bereit, founder of 40 Days for Life, Dr. Jim Garlow, pastor of Skyline

Church in San Diego and founder of the Pastors’ Rapid Response Team,

Clenard Childress, director of LEARN, Lila Rose, president of Live



Standing Up 4Life Walk in Oakland

Friday, January 22 – 12 Noon – Oakland City Hall

“The Impact Of Abortion In The Minority Community!”


Leadership 4Life Conference

Friday, January 22 – 2:30 PM

Chosen Vessels Church – 710 Haight Ave, Alameda

“The Impact Of Abortion In The Minority Community!”


East Bay Memorial Prayer Service

Friday, January 22 – 7 PM

Cathedral of Christ the Life – 2121 Harrison St, Oakland

“Honoring Sanctity of Life Month”

Speakers include Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, Bishop of the Diocese of

Oakland, Dr. Jim Garlow, Skyline Church in San Diego and founder of

the Pastors’ Rapid Response Team, Pastor Antione Lamar Miller,

Rehoboth Christian Fellowship


To learn more about what you can do to help pass the visit

God bless you and your family abundantly in the New Year,

The American Independent Party of California

AIP of California HQ

Chairman Markham Robinson

Phone #: 707-359-4884

email: [email protected]

American Independent Party of California | 476 Deodara Street |

Vacaville | CA | 95688 | US

4 thoughts on “Next Up on the RIght Wing Agenda: Ending Choice”

  1. So I guess under CHRA, a corporation would become a person at the moment of conception, right?

  2. abortion laws also have some of the lowest abortion rates, according to the Guttmacher Institute.  

  3. This proposed measure is another reason to challenge the constitutionality of California’s initiative process in federal court.  Article 4 Section 4 of the U. S. Constitution states:

    The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican [representative] form of government …

    Ballot initiatives allow people to by-pass the legislature to create and repeal their own laws, thus converting the state law-making process into a direct democracy and away from representative government.  

    Furthermore, ballot initiatives undermine state sovereignty by allowing out-of-state groups to fund initiatives and advertise on their behalf, thus corrupting the integrity of the state government, particularly the leglislature.  

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