The Reality of the CA-50- Why It’s a One Woman Race

Anyone who understands the fundamentals of campaigns knows that Tracy Emblem, despite her passion and earnest efforts, has no chance to win the democratic primary in the 50th congressional district.  Emblem’s spin on the strengths of her campaign misrepresents reality.  Her minor endorsements and negative campaign strategy has not moved her closer to the only viable candidate for the Democratic nomination, Francine Busby.  

Emblem has failed the key tests of any serious candidate.  First, Tracy Emblem’s scorched earth campaign against Busby is doing a disservice to her party. Second, her funds are not sufficient to compete against an incumbent candidate.  With $8,000 in the bank and over $45,000 in debt, it is impossible to run a campaign and rally support.  Francine Busby has raised almost $290,000 dollars in her race to unseat Bilbray and take back the 50th congressional district for Democrats.  The money, support, and endorsements make it clear that Busby is the only viable candidate in this race.

Emblem’s continued mudslinging is a losing strategy.  This approach has created a false dichotomy between the right choice, Busby, and the empty choice, Emblem. Emblem’s claim that Busby’s support is overwhelmingly due to long time loyalties is petty and insulting to Busby’s supporters and endorsers.  If anything, this indicates that Emblem is in denial about her lack of appeal, and ability to build a broad base of support. Francine’s broad name and face recognition are huge assets that any candidate needs to win. Tracy has no name recognition and no means to achieve it. Although Tracy claims that she is a candidate running for the issues, her only issue seems to be Francine. Having no money and little support, Tracy Emblem’s campaign is over.  The only choice left for Emblem is to graciously withdraw.  

2 thoughts on “The Reality of the CA-50- Why It’s a One Woman Race”

  1. Tracy Emblem started out the underdog for sure.  But she has spent many months networking with every local business, and going door-to-door meeting the citizens of district 50 and getting to know their concerns.  She’s also raking in the endorsements now.  

    I’ve known Busby for years, and she’s lied to my organization twice now when she promised to do something for us but never followed through.  Then we found out from someone else that she told them she never intended to.  

    I ask anyone reading this to call Tracy’s office or stop by and get to know her.  She’s the kind of person that would actually sit down and spend time with you unlike Busby.  Tracy’s not a slanderous or vindictive nasty person as this commenter suggests.  She’s in fact the opposite.  Before spouting falsities get to know the woman and her viewpoints, then make a sound decision as to whether not she’s the right candidate or not.

  2. I actually agree with aroberts.  I was a supporter of Busby’s in the past.  And yes she has the name recognition because she’s run three (lost each time).  But she’s just like the other politicians – all talk and no action.  She says stuff and never follows through, and she hasn’t even been elected.  I for one find Emblem refreshing.  She’s not only smart, but spends her time finding out what people want, instead of going after the big name endorsements like Busby has.   We held a mixer for Busby and Emblem to meet with everyone, talk about their viewpoints.  And though Busby said she’d show up she never did.  I just wanted them both their so people could make an honest decision of the candidate that best matches their viewpoints.  Emblem is far above the mud-slinging and the person who wrote the original comment is flat out mistaken and hasn’t taken the time to get to know Emblem, or knowingly posting a false statement which is libelous.

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