February 9 Open Thread


*  Sarah Palin made a stop in California, and had enough time to thumb her nose at scientists. Apparently, broad consensus on climate change isn’t enough for her. She needs they apocalypse to occur before she’ll consider climate change real. In which case she’ll be called up to heaven, natch, so it won’t much matter to her.

*  Jim Lacy, Dana Point right-winger extraordinaire, is busy these days. He’s trying to recall Asm. Diane Harkey for some ethics issues. I’m sure it’s not that hard to find something juicy on Harkey. And in his spare time, he’s working on an Impeach Obama site. Fun Stuff!

*  Steve Poizner is keeping up the heat on Meg Whitman over the Mike Murphy email trying to get Poizner out of the race. Sometimes right-wing radio can be fun. –>

*  Asm. Jose Solorio’s committee has gone after the EDD staff for their failures in their IT overhaul.

* The Governor will run the Olympic torch into Vancouver’s Stanley Park before the Opening Ceremonies.

* There’s a Repair California Con-Con Information Session in Santa Clara tomorrow evening.