Congressional Candidate Berryhill Issues Homophobic Tirade

The Central Valley Stonewall Democratic Club, the Stanislaus Democratic Central Committee, and  the  Progressive Democrats of Stanislaus County condemns congressional candidate Mike Berryhill for using homophobic and hate speech as campaign tools.  Such diatribes only distract attention from current issues.

In a press release dated February 4, 2010 Mr. Berryhill stated the following: “You would think after the recent terror attempt in Detroit that this administration would understand the gravity of the threat this nation faces in Islamic terror,” said Berryhill. “Unfortunately, this administration seems to think that the way to strike fear into the hearts of terrorists across the globe is to put gays in the military. They see that and it adds to their appeal in recruiting terrorists. It is clear that this confused administration should stop trying to turn the military into a liberal university and focus on what the American people want: protection of our homeland by stamping out terrorists, not encouraging them.”

With no evidence to justify his position, Berryhill is treading on dangerous ground and is appealing to the fears and misconceptions of an increasingly dwindling percentage of electoral voters. With Stanislaus County and San Joaquin County both experiencing double digit unemployment rates and with million dollar budget cuts deteriorating our education system; we hope Mr. Berryhill will drop the Karl Rove-like campaigning and concentrate on the actual issues that affect our communities.

Mr Berryhill’s press release comes on the heels of Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, urging politicians to keep rhetoric at a minimum, arguing they should “keep the impact it will have on our troops firmly in mind.”  Berryhill’s position is in opposition not only to the views of the Secretary of Defense but also to Admiral Mike Mullen, who heads the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and as well as those of retired General Colin Powell who now supports a policy of gays serving openly in the military,

We need to focus on protecting our country at this critical time without diversionary tactics. We also need to bear in mind that the issues of gay equal rights and opportunities boil down to civil rights, and this is no time for Americans to refight old discredited issues of denial of equality to distinct groups of our citizens.

We should remember that all of us, by virtue of our citizenship, deserve equal rights to serve our country. And we should further remind ourselves that one of the leaders on Flight 93 on 9/11 who helped torpedo the terrorists’ plan to crash the fourth plane into an American monument, and died in a field in Pennsylvania, was Mark Bingham, a gay athlete and Cal graduate, who was later honored by Senator John McCain for his selfless sacrifice.  Surely Mr. Berryhill would want to salute him also.

Homophobia, the politics of divide and extremist rhetoric do not represent true Central Valley values. The Central Valley Stonewall Democratic Club demands a public apology from Mr. Berryhill and a pledge to not use homophobia and fear-mongering in future campaign efforts.

Berryhill’s entire press statement:…  

4 thoughts on “Congressional Candidate Berryhill Issues Homophobic Tirade”

  1. I had to look up his party on his own website; at first I thought you were scolding another Democrat!  For those of us who don’t know Mike Berryhill, you might want to clarify that he’s the GOP.

    Otherwise, great post, thanks.  Keep shining a light on these homophobes, it’s the thing they hate the most.

  2. I never could quite piece together how the military, this group of fearless macho warriors, is so askeert of gays.  Chickenshit Pantywaists, I say!

  3. This will be my fourth attempt at state congress in California as a disabled, poor, single dad, bi, 51 and what the elite conservatives consider a piece of trash. You can search for Tim Weintz for some books by me to help as I don’t receive any disability. In spite of my disability I’ve run for office 4 times, served on both the local and state central committees, been a delegate and an alternate spokesperson to Jerry Brown at the 2006 (D)convention, won over 12 awards in photography, over 6 in other disciplines, am about to complete my fourth book (a cookbook), raised 2 boys (straight) as a single dad. While it’s nice we have a new openly gay speaker it’s amazing how many times those of alternate lifestyles are kept down and out. So, to preach loudly, say it again at the ballot box and the bookstore! Thanks, Tim Weintz Sr. candidate AD26 ‘Weintz For Assembly 2010’ FPPC# 1321664 [email protected] box 31591, Stockton, Ca 95213-1591.

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