Are We Watching Meg Whitman Implode? Already?

Meg Whitman’s campaign is a juggernaut. She’s got famous Republican consultants all over the place, and she’s got enough money to blanket TV with more Meg-ifornia spots than you’d ever want to see.

But despite all the “talent”, the campaign is going off the rails. Yesterday, there was the whole brouhaha about not taking press questions at a press event, but that wasn’t it.  Later that evening, her campaign team kicked out Jeremy Thompson from an event. Jeremy had been invited, RSVP’d, and then when he went into the event, they told him that he had to leave or they were going to call the cops.  Check out his twitter feed for more details.

But, Steve Poizner’s web video to the right here has the best moment (or the worst, depending on where you stand) for Whitman.  At a “town hall” Whitman had some of the audience members re-ask questions because eMeg messed up the answer the first time.  Apparently it wasn’t so much a town hall, as a campaign ad.

Thing is, the Whitman campaign team is trying to run this like a corporate operation. You know, you can call for do-overs when you are shooting with your employees. However, you don’t get any Mulligans in a campaign. As tightly as Sarah Pompei would like to run the Whitman ship, that’s not how campaigns work.

You’d think with all the experienced people on this staff, they’d have figured out how to run a town hall by now. But apparently, no, not so much. It looks like this is a junior high class president’s campaign instead of a campaign for governor of the state of California with all the missteps they’ve made.

10 thoughts on “Are We Watching Meg Whitman Implode? Already?”

  1. In the fog of war political campaigns, a lot of weird things can happen. LIghtning can strike. But some times the fundamentals matter.

    And I hate to say this, but I think one of the fundamentals is people’s appearance. Meg Whitman is ugly and mean looking. I know that shouldn’t matter, blah blah, but it matters. She looks like an English bulldog with died blonde hair, but without the self-effacing playfulness of the bulldog.

    Nobody’s going to out do Jerry Brown at street-level politics and I don’t think there’s any huge Republican wave coming in this state after Ahhnold, as much as they’ve tried to disown him.

    As for iCarly, I worked on a case as a court clerk where she was a key player in ripping off a startup company when she was at Lucent. The info is public record if anyone from the Boxer campaign (or DeVore et al.) would like to be pointed in the right direction. That and the Packard family’s attacks on her should be enough to undermine her business credentials.

  2. …lemme see now. The Megster has a lot of ‘talent’ and wants to ‘….run the state as a business…’ and even folks here swallow that crap whole. Sheesh…..

    How ‘talented’ are you to produce the unending series of clusterfucks her ‘brain trust’ has turned out? To me the answer to that question would seem to be, ‘Not very…’. But hey what do I know.


    I know I want the ‘talented’ folks who brought us Lehman Brothers, AIG, The Bomber, Kos, Bowers, and other progressive sellouts along all the rest of the Bankster Criminals AS FAR FROM MY STATE GOVERNMENT AS I CAN GET THEM.

    I say the loser in the Gubernatorial election gets sent to the Farallons with a slingshot and a book of matches….

    …let ’em live on Seagulls.

    Folks need to understand that just because you made a pile of ca$h in this screwed up economy doan mean you know jack about running our government.

    Shorter form: Government is NOT like a business. Never has been never will be.

  3. The Governor’s race currently looks like American Idol.  We have a bunch of contenders performing (candidates), some judges (jounalists and pundits) and voters.

    At the early stage, we have very underwhelming performance: Brown has a great voice, can do crazy runs and really hit the notes, but is sometimes a little pitchy and feels old.  Also, has done so many styles we don’t really know what kind of artist he is.

    Poizner would be completely dull if he didn’t play the desperation thing so well.  He is completely outmatched by people who aren’t that great.

    Whitman isn’t just another pretty face.  She has lots of money.  And she wants EVERYTHING. TO. BE. JUST. RIGHT.  There will be no Macaca moments for her.  If she can’t say something perfect, she would just rather not say it.

    So the judges are having a big problem here because Brown is strange and quirky and they aren’t sure what to make of him; Poizner is not ready for prime time; Whitman is so scripted she might as well come out of central casting.

    Poizner is going to be voted off the stage in June.  Whitman will have to come off the script pretty soon or she will lose credibility.  Brown just has to keep his strangeness under control through November and he’s got it.  

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