Chris Kelly, Karl Rove, and The AG’s Race

Facebook chief privacy officer Chris Kelly has launched a Karl Rove-style attack against Kamala Harris, the San Francisco District Attorney who has raised conviction rates in SF to the highest level in 15 years.

The San Francisco Examiner takes a closer look at Chris Kelly’s latest false claims in his new video, which Chris Kelly has surely expertly placed on your Facebook homepage, Google searches, email inbox, or all three in recent days.

According to the Examiner, Kelly’s attacks are just plain wrong.

then Kelly’s ad claims, “Under Harris SF Homicide is Up 32%” and “SF has the highest homicide rate in the state.”

Whoa! That’s news to this city crime reporter.

While homicides were the highest they’d been in more than a decade in 2008 – there were 98 – that’s nowhere near the tally in Oakland, where there were 124 homicides in a smaller population.

And Kelly uses statistics from the state Department of Justice, which are only complete through 2008. If he considers 2009, then that 32 percent number goes way down. There were only 45 homicides last year, the lowest tally in five decades. (SF Examiner)

As of today, Kelly has contributed $4 million-and-counting of his own Facebook bucks in an attempt to become the first-ever candidate for Attorney General to successfully buy the office. While Kelly has thus far demonstrated an impressive ability to churn out platform papers that coincidentally read like a checklist of Kamala Harris’s actual accomplishments, he has so far stuck to attacking Kamala rather than explaining why Democratic voters should make him our nominee.

Disclosure: I work for Kamala Harris, but all opinions are entirely my own.