April 12 Open Thread


*  Several big labor unions have come up with a new IE: California Working Families 2010. That is a quite a mouthful, but so is the coalition. It will have the backing of SEIU, the state building trades, and the firefighters, amongst others.

*  The LA County Democratic Party’s ballot measure committee voted unanimously to oppose Prop 16, PG&E’s scheme to buy a monopoly. Considering that PG&E recently gave $175K to the LACDP, there were some uncomfortable moments. But hey, long live Jess Unruh!

*  Mercury Insurance Group, who has funded Prop 17, got a tongue lashing from a report out of Steve Poizner’s Department of Insurance. Seems they have been charging too high of rates for quite some time. Some customers will get rebates if they were overcharged.

*  Sen. Boxer has a big fundraising lead over her Republican rivals. She has an approximate 8-1 cash on hand advantage for right now.

One thought on “April 12 Open Thread”

  1. Stonewall Democratic Club, based in Los Angeles, endorsed Ted Lieu for attorney general and Hector De La Torre for insurance commissioner last night, as well as adopting a position of No on Proposition 16 (the PG&E power grab).  The meeting was in the NCJW auditorium on Fairfax.

    With 75 members present, the club rejected the interview committee’s recommendation of Pedro Nava, and endorsed Lieu with 56 votes, well over the required 60%.  Dave Jones supporters made a run at changing the committee recommendation for De La Torre, but the South Gate assemblymember prevailed by a vote of 57 to 14.

    In addition to Lieu-Nava and Jones-De La Torre, there were full debates and votes on endorsement of Jane Harman for CD 36, Shawntrice Watkins for AD 36, Reggie Jones-Sawyer for AD 47, and Betsy Butler for AD 53.  All of these were confirmed.  The recommendation for Mike Davis in AD 48 was tabled until the next meeting.  Forty other endorsements throughout L.A. County were approved on a consent calendar.

    Endorsements for lieutenant governor, superintendent of public instruction, and local judicial offices also are on tap for the next meeting, which is Mon., Apr. 26, at West Hollywood Park Auditorium.

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