Whitman’s Propaganda Goes Out to 500,000 voters. Because She Can

Think about this for a second, and think of the resources that must have been dedicated to such a project:

Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s campaign is sending out about half a million copies of her 48-page policy booklet to households across California, most of them Republican, said Whitman press secretary Sarah Pompei.(SacBee)

That’s half a million copies. The postage alone costs several hundred thousand dollars. And then there’s the fact that publication of this thing probably costs quite a bit to print. It’s 48 pages in stunning color. That kind of print run plus postage is going to run you about a buck per copy (perhaps more).

But, don’t worry, the profligacy ends the day she becomes governor.  Then, she’ll really show how spending massive amounts of campaign cash can turn into a recipe for spending controls!

2 thoughts on “Whitman’s Propaganda Goes Out to 500,000 voters. Because She Can”

  1. What’s Whitman’s policy on recycling, especially funding recycling centers (the state’s faced problems with this lately). Many of these things will wind up in the trash, when instead they should be recycled…

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