April 14 Open Thread


*  FPPC Chair Ross Johnson is stepping down at the end of April.

* Apparently Justice Carlos Moreno is on the “short list” for the Supreme Court. He’s a little older than you’d like, he’s 61, but he really is a very solid jurist.  Obama could do a lot worse.

*  Roy Ashburn was sentenced to two days in jail for his DUI arrest that eventually caused him to come out as a gay, well, a gay Roy Ashburn.

*  Interestingly, LA City Council members are not very wealthy. Also what is Tony Cardenas’ wife’s business? It’s described as “Dog Psych Center” consulting services.

* Tom Del Beccarro, the Vice-Chair of the CA Republicans, swears that he’s not a birther and his quote was totally out of context. How much you wanna bet that the original reporter has tape. Seriously, why are people so dumb as to go with the “out of context” defense? This isn’t 1955 anymore, digital audio is everywhere people.

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