April 27 Open Thread


*  Anthony York looks at the story of Mary Anne Ostrom, who once wrote about ethics issues surrounding Meg Whitman at Goldman Sachs.  Her job today? Director of Media Affairs for Whitman’s campaign.

*  The San Francisco Board of Supervisors joined City Attorney Dennis Herrera in calling for a sweeping divestment from Arizona after their harsh, and probably unconstitutional, immigration law was signed into law.

*  A new report to the LAUSD Board says that there should be more incentive pay, as well as easing the process to remove teachers. Some of the reforms require legislation at the state level, while others could be implemented locally.  As the report is delivered this week, we’ll likely see a response from teachers on this soon.

*  Capistrano USD reached a tentative deal with teachers. Check out Ellinorianne’s diaries on the subject of CUSD corruption for more info.