Same Day Registration is a No-Brainer

Sen. Leland Yee has been an advocate of same-day registration for a while, but it’s always good news to hear some progress on that front.  Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted 7-3 (partisan style) to approve Yee’s SB 1140 for same day registration:

California will allow citizens to vote without registering prior to Election Day if a bill by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) becomes law.  Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved Yee’s Senate Bill 1140 on a partisan 7-3 vote.  While voter turnout has declined throughout the country, other states with similar laws have seen a seven percent increase in voter participation.

“California currently ranks 41st in the nation in voter turnout,” said Yee.  “We need to find ways to increase participation in our democracy and allow all citizens the opportunity to vote.  As a proven way of increasing voter turnout, we should implement same-day and Election Day registration in California.”

Idaho, New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming have successfully implemented Election Day registration.  North Dakota does not require registration and North Carolina allows registration during early voting up until Election Day.

Thing about same-day registration is that it not only encourages people to vote, but it also reduces fraud.  While the opponents claim otherwise, just think about it.  In our current process, we rely on a number of people to maintain the cards as it passes through their hands.  In same day registration, you have the voter sitting right in front of your face, asking to register. The risk of fraud goes down substantially.

This would be a win-win for California.

4 thoughts on “Same Day Registration is a No-Brainer”

  1. I am all for more people voting but perhaps I need to be educated on this concept.  How will voter fraud be discouraged if we have same day registration.  What would stop someone from going from one polling place to another and voting several times?  I understand that nothing is fool proof but I need help with this.

  2. Thanks jsw, I appreciate your reply and I see your point.  It would take a massive effort to make that kind of difference.  I wonder if someone like myself would be allowed to register or vote if their identification doesn’t match where they live, having just moved?  But your point is well taken and I thank you.

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