Jerry Brown’s First “TV Ad” Is Up

Watch it here:

I have to put “TV ad” in quotes because, as Carla Marinucci notes, this won’t actually run on TV:

It’s clear the other gubernatorial campaigns are skeptical, to say the least about whether this will ever make the airwaves. Tucker Bounds, spokesman for the Whitman campaign, puts it this way: “We got a kick out of Jerry’s latest stunt, which will never actually run on TV. It’s just too funny to see a 40-year Sacramento insider complain about the political climate he’s helped create. Jerry’s new blue sweater can’t cover up his record of fighting to defend the status quo in Sacramento.”…

[Brown spokesman Sterling] Clifford acknowledged this afternoon that the ad is just up on the web, and there’s no buys to put it on TV. Asked about Bounds’ quote, he says: “More negativity.”

That’s a good thing, because if this were a TV ad, Brown would be facing a real problem – the ad sucks. People would have tuned out of the ad or changed the channel because of the cacophony of noise and voices and miss Brown’s short statement at the end (which I believe is taken directly from his campaign launch video back in March).

The concept of Brown running an anti-politician campaign actually makes sense given Brown’s longstanding populist, independent approach to politics. It’s also a good way to tell an electorate that has either forgotten Brown or is too young to remember him that Brown is anything but the Sacramento insider he’s been all his life.

If Brown is going to spend his money on TV ads, he needs to produce unconventional TV ads that can brand him as a candidate of change. This online ad doesn’t really do that. Let’s hope the campaign goes back to the drawing board for their first real TV ad buy.

One thought on “Jerry Brown’s First “TV Ad” Is Up”

  1. Let’s just hope he didn’t spend too much money making this piece of crap. It has a massive 8200 views already!!11!!

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