Tom Campbell All But Concedes

Well, it looks like all the polling showing Carly Failorina pulling ahead in the Senate primary has put a beating on Campbell’s fundraising efforts. He’s now pretty much conceding the race:

Capitulating to his dwindling campaign treasury, Republican Senate candidate Tom Campbell pulled his television advertising Tuesday and in the closing days of the primary race will rely on Internet appeals and telephone calls to make his case to GOP voters. (LAT)

You just can’t win on phonecalls and internet appeals alone. That might be enough in Rhode Island, but in a state where millions of votes are required, you simply need more than just the internet.  I know, you might not expect to hear that from an internet-type, but there it is.  

To be frank, Campbell kind of scared me. He does this faux-moderate thing really well, and then yanks the rug out from under Californians who really need help.  If Fiorina can continue to loan her campaign a few million of seed money, her campaign won’t be completely hapless. However, she has an Achilles heal, her tenure at HP, that is her qualification for running.  

I’m not calling anything yet, but this is the surest sign of any yet.

6 thoughts on “Tom Campbell All But Concedes”

  1.   At this point Campbell has no more chance of winning the primary than Chuck DeVore. They’re both still on the ballot but it looks like Carly is the winner. Even though she has nearly unlimited funds, she is a weaker candidate in the general election. Good riddance to Tom Campbell!

  2. I guess all that pandering to the right didn’t work out so well. I hope he loses, and look forward to taking down Carly Fiorina in November.

  3. The GOP rightwing gets it. The phony, corporate-friendly Repair California types keep sending this crap out there hoping it sticks.

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