When Dick Cheney Went Campaigning for Meg Whitman

Like many of you, I wasn’t exactly surprised when Dick Cheney endorsed Meg Whitman for governor last month. We always knew Whitman was a right-wing candidate whose policy proposals come straight out of the George W. Bush school of thought. No wonder other leading right-wingers joined Dick Cheney in endorsing whitman – Newt Gingrich, Condoleeza Rice, Mitt Romney, and others.

In fact, what this looked like to us at the Courage Campaign (where I work as the Public Policy Director) was a vast right-wing force trying to impose its will on California. And when Dick Cheney came out of his undisclosed location to offer his endorsement, the first thing that came to our minds was Darth Vader – or as some have called him, Darth Cheney.

We thought more Californians should know that Dick Cheney endorsed Meg Whitman. So we joined our friends at the California Federation of Teachers to produce this video showing what happened one afternoon when “Darth” Cheney went out campaigning in Los Angeles for Meg Whitman:

Dick Cheney, a master of evil, has a new dark apprentice. It’s time for progressive Californians to form our own rebel alliance to fight back against this right-wing empire in which Whitman is a rising star. If you’re not already a part of the Courage Campaign, you can click to watch the video and sign up to become part of our progressive rebel alliance.

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2 thoughts on “When Dick Cheney Went Campaigning for Meg Whitman”

  1. This blessing by Darth Cheney is a real gift to progressives.  A great fact to undo Meg’s “New California” BS.  Liked the Bush years?  You’ll love Meg.

  2. There was a candidate for the Assembly named Steve Poizner. No, not ‘that’ Steve Poizner.  A different one.  The Steve Poizner who ran for the Assembly was running in a slightly left of center district in a largely left of center election year.

    Assembly candidate Poizner decided that to win, he had to be a liberal Republican–not moderate, but liberal.  So he started by bashing the Iraq war and somehow he got the attention of Vice President Cheney who was not very happy.

    The Vice President’s Death Star was occupied at the time, but Cheney has a long memory.  When this new candidate Steve Poinzer ran for Governor as a right wing Republican, Cheney thought it was the one who ran for the Assembly (after all, they looked exactly alike).

    So the Vice President used the political Death Star on Steve Poizner and vengence was his!!!  

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