June 22 Open Thread


* Shocking Breaking News!! The Prop 11 pool is overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly male. (Oh, and heavily Democratic.)

* The Nurses have apparently annoyed Queen Meg. Meg launched a website attacking CNA.

* Randy Shandobil asked Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums where he has been, and got a testy response.  Meanwhile, Dellums had additional reaction to Jerry Brown’s comments that Oakland “hasn’t had a mayor since he left office”.

* Will San Francisco be the leader on cell phone radiation, like it was on plastic bags?

8 thoughts on “June 22 Open Thread”

  1. So… anything?

    SSP is saying ALL the candidates, INCLUDING the Independence and Libertarian candidates, will go to the runoff on August 17.  That’s gotta be wrong, right?  I mean, what’s the point of a runoff if you don’t eliminate ANY fringe candidates?

    Now, what are we going to do differently to GOTV in August?  Because the turnout on the Dem side was atrocious last night.

  2. Of course san fran would come up with a thoughtless Plastic Bag Ban for the entire state, It won’t effect everyone though, Heck I could just drive to Nevada, Buy My groceries, pay their sales tax(It’s 8.1% in Clark County where Las Vegas is at, versus It’s 8.75% where I live) and drive home, All on 1 tank of gas and yep I’d have plastic bags in the trunk, the car gets 33mpg on the highway, As paper bags mean I’d have to make nearly a dozen trips up and down the steps and My right knee would really love that, Not to mention I’d have to pay at least $0.25 for each paper bag, So far I have 5 cloth bags($5.38 spent) that I had to buy with My very, very limited income which is so far $845 a month.

  3. If you think she’s annoyed now, just wait a while.  We plan to annoy her a whole lot more!

    See my diary up today for more

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