CA-GOV: Take Those Gloves Off

The Governor campaign has apparently began in earnest, with rival attack ads.  First, here’s California Working Families ad against Whitman, over the flip you’ll find eMeg’s ad. What do you think?

Flip it…

3 thoughts on “CA-GOV: Take Those Gloves Off”

  1. as the whole anti-hippie/anti-60s tack doesn’t really mean much to those o us born after all that, but brown really does seem to be losing an opportunity to introduce himself to young voters who haven’t a clue who he is. it should be easy enough to pound the bejeezus out of whitman for being a plutocrat CEO at a time when they’re extremely unpopular in the culture at large, but that alone won’t do it; he’s got to make a case FOR himself as well, especially for the under-40 crowd who are dying for something other than the beat-down the state has gotten in the past decade.

  2. Why is she spending gazillions on her campaign?

    I know Brown has made that point at least once already, but he needs to hammer it.  Make ads out of it.  Make her take her own medicine.

    “Hey, voter, if this is how she spends her own money, what’s she gonna do when she’s got a hold of yours?”

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