2 thoughts on “August 4 Open Thread”

  1. I don’t listen to Ken and John.  Except for today.  Meg Whitman had the most disasterous interview I had ever heard with the possible exception of Palin-Couric.  John and Ken crushed her.  It was indescribable.

  2. it’s bad enough having these national talking heads ruin presidential debates with their lame combination of laughable softball questions about empty campaign rhetoric and OT gotcha stuff equally unrelated to the key issues of the race, but given how specialized the weirdness of the CA constitution, having a national journalist try to jump in and moderate it.

    on a related topic, UC davis got one of the debates, on 9/28. the last time i saw jerry brown in town was when he was running for prez in 1992 at the whole earth festival.

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