August 10 Open Thread


* AD-05: Richard Pan is doing pretty well against Andy Pugno in a recent poll. See the flip for the full press release.

* State revenue is down for July.

* When it rains it pours for Bell. They just got their credit downgraded.

* A key Fiorina supporter compared Barbara Boxer to the infamous Huns.

Dr. Pan Pulls Ahead in Early Snapshot of AD5 Race

SACRAMENTO, CA – A fresh survey of the race for the area’s Assembly District 5 seat finds Democrat Dr. Richard Pan pulling ahead of his opponent Republican Andy Pugno once voters learn more about the candidates.

“Our survey finds the race begins in a statistical tie, with Dr. Pan moving to a 10-point lead over opponent Andy Pugno after voters hear both positive and negative messages about the candidates,” said Ben Tulchin of San Francisco-based Tulchin Research.  “While the race starts very close, our survey shows Dr. Pan is well positioned for victory in November.”

For the past few decades AD5 has been a safe Republican seat with a strong Republican voter registration advantage.  Since 2000 those registration numbers have been eroding and now the district is divided equally between registered Democrats and registered Republicans.  The Target Book and political pundits no longer view AD5 as a safe Republican seat, but now consider the District one of the most hotly contested legislative races in the state.  Recent polling also demonstrates that this race will be extremely close.

Richard Pan is a physician and an educator at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, with a commitment to community service. He believes that a healthy community needs a strong local economy, good schools and access to quality healthcare. Pan aims to bring a new perspective to the state Assembly by working to fix the broken system, improve our schools and reduce health care costs for families and businesses.

“Our research shows that Pugno is too extreme for this district, which puts Richard Pan in a very strong position to win in November,” said Josh Pulliam, Pan’s campaign consultant.