The Governor is off to China, and he’s left his trusty
puppet lieutenant in charge of the place. And look, he even gets to play like he’s important, getting to sign bills and everything!
Maldonado, who is battling San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom in the November election for lieutenant governor, is making arrangements to hold a bill signing ceremony in front of Bell City Hall on Monday, according to an e-mail to that city from one of his staffers. A spokeswoman confirmed Maldonado may sign AB 900, which would refund property taxes overcharged by the city of Bell.
“Should the bill be sent to the governor’s office, the people of Bell deserve to have their money returned to them,” said Erin Shaw, a spokeswoman for Maldonado. “The lieutenant governor will be in Los Angeles on Monday and it makes sense for our staff to put our logistics in place should he be needed to expedite the state’s business.”
Having been appointed lieutenant governor by Schwarzenegger, who is seen as his mentor, it appears Maldonado is getting some assistance from the governor to grab the media spotlight, according to the e-mail, which talks of the governor’s office supplying some of the equipment for the ceremony. (LA Times)
I guess St. Abel is now completely buried the hatchet with the Governor over their little dispute about whether he really loved him or not. In theory, it isn’t really all that common for Lt. Governors to actually sign legislation, mostly because they are frequently of differing parties in California. But, in this case, St. Abel has so much experience being Arnold’s sock puppet, there really isn’t anything new going on here. When you see Abel, you might as well see Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And the people of California just loooooove Arnold Schwarzenegger these days, right?
Buuuuuurp! Barf! Barf! Barf!
…and decide to appeal the Prop H8 decision.
Somebody needs to tell that moron that, even if he’s not at the mic, he needs to keep his mouth shut when the TV cameras are running. While trying to pose as the fearless leader during a time of disaster, standing behind the speaker with your bottom lip drooping does not do you any favors. I kept expecting somebody to reach over and blot the drool.
When he did finally get his chance to speak, he read a list of resources the state brought to the relief efforts. Really, he stood at the podium and read a long list of airplanes, fire trucks, etc. Riveting and inspiring, I tell you!
NOT! Do not listen to what he says, he voted not only against the right of same sex couples to marry, he also voted against domestic partnerships and even hospital visitation rights.