San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders Says No on Prop 23

Jerry Sanders isn’t always the right-wing’s favorite.  He testified against Prop 8, and is generally a little bit too moderate for extremism that is the bulk of the Right today.  Now, to call him a moderate is to pretty much ignore his record in San Diego.  Perhaps he’s towards the middle of the California GOP, but really, is that saying all that much?

At any rate, the big news is that Sanders has now announced that he is opposing Prop 23, the dirty energy proposition that would turn back the clock on California’s landmark regulation of greenhouse gas pollution.

“The clean-tech sector is booming in San Diego,” Sanders said in a release from the No on 23 campaign. “These companies have moved to San Diego because they stand to thrive and prosper as the state seeks to meet its greenhouse-gas standards over the next few decades.

“Proposition 23 would throw these businesses into chaos by eliminating those greenhouse-gas standards. It would also eliminate a powerful incentive for other clean-tech companies to relocate or expand here.” (SD U-T)

And this is the reason that you are seeing many folks who usually line up on the other side opposing Prop 23.  It represents a tremendous opportunity for California to be a leader in green technology.  Rather than being a “job killer” as Carly Fiorina alleges, our regulation of greenhouse gas pollution is a real win-win.

3 thoughts on “San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders Says No on Prop 23”

  1. If San Diego weren’t in such a mess right, maybe. Fiscally conservative, yet pro-abortion, pro-marriage equality, and now apparently a little green, he’s got the checkboxes ticked to win a general election.

    He’d never make it out of the primaries, though.  

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