Third Debate Cancelled

What had been billed as the “third debate” between the candidates for governor, Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown, has now seemingly been canceled.  From Carla Marinucci:

The big radio debate between California gubernatorial candidatees — Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman  — which had been scheduled Tuesday at 10 a.m. on the Ronn Owens’ show has been cancelled, the station says.

Sterling Clifford, Brown’s spokesman, said the debate was only a “discussion” between the two candidates, and “by mutual agreement,” the two have decided not to pursue it.(SF Gate)

No word yet of any additional joint appearances, but if this is it, then this is it.  Back in 2006, we had only one debate, so I’m sure we’ll something about a step forward for democracy for the Whitman camp.  Although, with Brown seemingly opening up a lead in the polls, perhaps a change in position might be brewing on debates?

UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, there is one more debate scheduled for Oct. 12 in San Rafael at Domincan University. It is scheduled to be moderated by former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw.

4 thoughts on “Third Debate Cancelled”

  1. a shame, No 3rd debate between Krusty and the Rich Corporate shill? Too bad, I hope Krusty wins by a good amount in less than a month, I just need My absentee ballot and My vote will be cast.

  2. I assume that next Tuesday’s debate between Brown and Whitman at Dominican University in San Rafael is still going to happen. Tom Brokaw is scheduled to be moderator.

  3. I have no idea why both candidates decided to cancel the third debate.  Lack of evidence has never detered me from speculating.

    I think that neither would have backed out unless they had a pretty good reason.  No one wants to piss off Ronn Owens.

    Whitman’s reasons are pretty obvious: every time she opens her mouth in an uncontrolled environment she takes the chance of losing the election.  John and Ken might have lost the election for her, but their crowd was never that friendly to her anyway.

    Whitman has been and will be a hothouse candidate.  She cannot handle risk and debates represent risk.

    Brown’s reasons must be looked at through a completely different prism.  He loves risk and loves debate.  His departure is a little more difficult to understand.

    The only thing I can think of is that he has the Bay Area locked up so tight, there is only downside potential for him in the debate.  Still, it is so out of character for Brown, I can scarcely believe it.

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