A poll this week shows challenger Bill Hedrick within striking distance in the race for California’s 44th Congressional District.
The new poll of 611 likely voters shows Hedrick has closed the gap between himself and corrupt incumbent Congressman Ken Calvert to a mere 5 points (48% for Calvert to 43% for Hedrick) while the 18-year Washington politician has lost ground as undecided voters have begun breaking to the challenger.
Calvert continues to poll below 50% – a true danger sign for an incumbent in what is becoming an increasingly anti-incumbent year – and even dropped 1 point from a public poll conducted just two weeks earlier that showed Calvert leading Hedrick 49% to 38%.
“Over the last two weeks, the Hedrick for Congress campaign has kicked its media and field programs into high gear, and the public has responded,” said Hedrick campaign manager Katie Mantz. “We have gained 5 points in just two weeks and are closing in fast.”
With just 5 points separating these candidates and momentum on Hedrick’s side, this race is one of the few opportunities for Democrats to pick up a congressional seat this cycle in order to retain their majority.
“The more voters hear about Calvert’s corruption, the more they are ready to fire him,” said Mantz. “We have the momentum now, and it’s going to carry us through to victory on Election Day.”
The automated poll was conducted October 12 by Zata|3 Consulting and commissioned by the Hedrick for Congress campaign. The margin of error for the poll is ±4%. Information about the methodology on the Democrats.com poll conducted by Public Policy Polling can be found at http://www.democrats.com/democ… Information about the February poll performed by Tulchin Research can be found here: http://www.hedrickforcongress….
Oh Please…
I live in that gerrymandered bit of OC that is represented by Calvert and he pays no attention to us at all. Go Bill!
In my neck of the woods, I’m seeing more Hedrick signs. The Hedrick team is doing an unbelievable job in this very difficult district. You know that Bill had gotten to KennyBoy when the Calvert team launched a very weak website denouncing Hedrick. Hedrick’s team responded with a much better site attacking Mr. Squishy.
This is one candidate and one team that isn’t going to give in. Elect Bill Hedrick!
Bill Hedrick is a good man and a great progressive. He deserves our support. Donate today.
Calvert is a corrupt rubber-stamp Republican. Help replace him with a progressive who will stand up and fight for all of us.
The contrasts on the most critical issues between Bill and Calvert could not be sharper. Please see Bill’s flier for these contrasts, clearly conveyed in one sentence statements for each candidate on each issue. Please help Bill to get these contrasts out to as many voters as you possibly can.