PPIC: Brown Approval Numbers Down Slightly, But At Least He’s Not the Legislature

PPIC released its latest statewide poll, and as you might expect for a governor who walked through the feces that his predecessor left all over the floor, his numbers are down slightly.  However, it’s not that they disapprove, so much as they just aren’t sure.

In the poll, 49.5 percent of adults said they weren’t sure what to make of Brown’s job performance, compared to 33.7 percent who approved of it. Last month, 39 percent of California adults said they were unsure about Brown’s job performance and 41 percent approved. (CalWatch)

His big test will be this budget, and whether he can shepherd it out the door.  His numbers are ultimately going to rest on what happens in the likely June special.  Meanwhile, the Legislature is down in the low twenties.

The poll also included several questions about health care.  Apparently roughly one-half of all Californians want to lose weight.  Meanwhile, large majorities are satisfied with their health, and similar numbers call themselves generally happy.


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