@ProtestInTheUSA: from Madison to America…from Workers to All People

Is this the protest that wakes up America and starts the push-back to big business and their anti-human agenda?

National Nurses United, and the California Nurses Association, sure hope so, and we’re doing our part to move that along.  Please join our efforts by following @ProtestInTheUsa, our new national newsline of reports, notices, and videos about specific protests in the USA concerning democracy, healthcare, workers’ rights, and human rights.  @ProtestInTheUSA is starting as a twitter feed, and a hashtag #ProtestInTheUSA, and will be expanded from there.  Find it at www.twitter.com/ProtestInTheUSA.

Already @ProtestInTheUSA is helping document our national wave of protests-the upcoming mass rally of women in New York, the workers protesting in Ohio and Indiana for their rights, indigenous protests in Alaska and nurse protests in California.  We simply have got to find a way to bring all these protests together and amplify each others’ voices.  We’re many people–but one cause.

Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of NNU explained why she’s hopeful for social change and , “With so many families and working people in America in trouble, with the recession, healthcare crisis, staggering disparity in income, and the ongoing corporate chokehold of our economic and political structure, more and more people will be taking to the streets calling for real change.  If you’re not protesting, you’re not paying attention. It’s up to all of us to help spread the fire.”

1. Email Scott Walker-tell him to take a hike; [email protected]

2. Phone him: (608) 266-1212

3. Fax him: (608) 267-7888

4. Follow @ProtestInTheUSA (It will be #FollowFriday, after all)

And in case you missed it, check out Thunderdome: http://twitpic.com/40tax9

Oh,and when America’s nurses lead protests, some in the corporate media actually ask them, “why nurses”?  Karen Higgins, an RN from Massachusetts and co-President of National Nurses United, lays it out: “The answer is simple: it is our professional and ethical obligation.  Our patients, and democracy, are under attack, working people are hurting, and the ability of the RN to provide appropriate levels of care for patients is weakened.  The Code of Ethics for Nursing tells us, ‘The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient…(and) is responsible for articulating nursing values…(and) for shaping social policy.'”

Right now that means doing everything we can to help build and grow this national wave of protests!