Working Redistricting Maps Available

I haven’t been able to really go through any of this, but you can take a look at what the redistricting commission has come out with today for their so-called working maps.  You can download the plethora of maps at their website.  Friday will yield us the first real set of “draft” maps.

Being that I’m in SF, the first thing that jumped out at me is the fact that we would have only one Senate seat.  There are also some maps expected out on Friday, so stay tuned.

5 thoughts on “Working Redistricting Maps Available”

  1. I had to look up the statistics – the legend lists them as:

    % Deviation

    % LCVAP

    % BCVAP

    % ACVAP

    Apparently CVAP stands for “Citizen Voting Age Population”, seemingly for {latino, black, asian} votors. Because minority participation is typically at a much lower rate than white/non-hispanic, I’d be more interested to see “Registered Voting Age Population” or “2008/2010 Turnout” – but you can’t have everything, I guess!

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