Weekend Open Thread

Well, I haven’t done an open thread in a while, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t just as worthwhile. I’ll be a little quiet for the next week or so, but feel free to chatter away.  So, a few pieces to chew on…

* The CA State Law Enforcement Association is having their annual Foundation Golf Tournament, with the proceeds going for college scholarships. It’s in Napa on Oct. 7. You can get more details here.

* New York is beating us on the Marriage Equality race in more ways that one.  The latest polls in CA show the barest of majorities in support, but New York is up at 55%. One way or the other, Prop 8 will be gone by the middle of this decade.

* Well, even though our economy stinks, at least Apple is popular with looters. Hooray for California (and the nation’s) largest corporation!

* Sacramento put $22 million towards keeping their redevelopment agency open for the fiscal year.

* Patients are now getting a more team-based response to chronic conditions.