SD Mayor Jerry Sanders, Villaraigosa to Lead Marriage Equality Campaign

PhotobucketRepublican Mayor continues fight for Marriage Equality

by Brian Leubitz

Jerry Sanders is really your textbook example case for why the LGBT community needs to come out.  Sanders was going about his business as just another Republican in SoCal, opposed to marriage equality. Hardly a radical anti-gay politician or anything like that, but not somebody that you would call an ally.  That is of course, until his daughter came out as a lesbian.

The change wasn’t overnight, but today, Sanders is now one of the most prominent voices for marriage equality.  He testified at the Prop 8 trial, a day I happened to attend, and it was quite moving. If those tapes are released, his testimony will really be worth a watch.  And today Freedom to Marry announced that Mayor Sanders will be leading a new campaign, creatively called “Mayors for Freedom to Marry.”

Sanders hasn’t suddenly become a progressive, but he has put himself in the shoes of somebody being discriminated against.  He can see that his daughter was hurt by Prop 8, and has done something about it.  I wouldn’t vote for him for most offices, but I do think he should be commended for doing what is best for his family, not for what is best for his ability to win some future Republican “primary” battle.

The committee is co-chaired by Mayor Villaraigosa of LA as well as Mayors Bloomberg (NYC) and Menino (Boston). Meanwhile, the numbers continue to drift towards equality and legislatures across the country are passing marriage bills. At some point in the very near future, this is not going to be an issue outside of the right-wing fringe.