Here’s something I thought I’d never say: I have to go to court to defend calling myself an “astronaut”.
Last week, Sacramento Republicans with ties to Rep. Denham filed a lawsuit claiming I cannot refer to myself as an “astronaut” on the ballot. That’s no joke – and on Thursday, I’ll have to send a team to fight back against the same old Washington political games Denham and his pals at the CA GOP are playing.
I consider myself so lucky that I was able to go from being a son of San Joaquin Valley migrant workers to an astronaut. It was my American Dream – and I won’t let these right-wing Republicans take it from me.
That’s why I’ve directed my campaign and our attorneys to vigorously defeat these outrageous charges.
Thursday is the day we head to court and make our voices heard that the politics of Washington will fail because the American people are sick and tired of them. I will defend my record, my honor, and the title I earned by launching into space in August of 2009. Will you take a stand and defend our campaign today?
This lawsuit will cost us $20,000 to defeat. Help us cover the cost by giving $5 or more here >>
Thanks for everything you do,
– Jose