Medi-Cal Cuts Hurt California’s Most Vulnerable

California is in the midst of another budget crisis, and Governor Brown is looking to take $1.8 billion from the state’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal, to help make up the shortfall. As part of the cuts to the Medi-Cal program, the governor’s plan includes cutting funding for hospitals and nursing homes. For many members of California’s most vulnerable and frail populations, this will mean more cuts to health care services that they rely on and loss of access to life-saving medications.

According to a local news report:

For many of those who rely on Medi-Cal to live as normal a life as possible, the proposed cuts will have major consequences.  Eva Crump turns 86 next month and says it’s scary for her to think about more cuts to her Medi-Cal benefits… A diabetic with a recently diagnosed heart condition, Crump relies on Medi-Cal to get the medicine she needs to live an independent life. “There are so many of us that need these facilities to get out and be taken care of without having to go into a bed and care home or something of that type”, Crump says, “its just like a God-send to have it available.”

Medicaid cuts at the state level are hurting seniors nationwide, with many of these types of budget cuts resulting in loss of access to some of their most vital health care services. In additional to hospitals, nursing homes, and senior care centers feeling the impact of state budget slashes, community pharmacies are often forced into an impossible predicament when reimbursement rates are lowered. Do they turn away valued and loyal customers, many of whom rely on their pharmacist as one of their primary health care providers? Or do they shut their doors, unable to stay in business and still service their Medicaid-dependent clientele?

One thing is clear: in situations like the one in California, there are no winners. Medi-Cal recipients like Eva Crump are hurting, health care providers are hurting, and community pharmacies are hurting. Surely there are other ways to solve a state’s budget woes than to cut access to vital services for the most vulnerable populations?

To find out more about Medicaid cuts and how they will impact seniors, community pharmacy access, and more, visit Pharmacy Choice and Access Now.