A Mess Heads to the Governor

Timely Budget Hangs on November Revenue Measure

by Brian Leubitz

The last of the budget trailers were passed today, and now they are just waiting for the Governor’s signature.

The California Legislature passed some of the last remaining parts of the state budget on Wednesday, sending them to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.

Brown is expected to approve the budget and related legislation later in the day, before his midnight deadline. The spending plan will take effect on July 1. (LAT)

The completion of the budget means that they have met the Prop 25 requirements for a balanced budget. On the darker side is the sword of Damocles that they placed over their heads with the budget being so tied to the November revenue measure. If the measure doesn’t pass, K12, higher ed and social services will be drastically cut.

The Prop 25 majority budget rules did mean that we didn’t have the long fight, but it also means that the Democrats are now responsible for the mess that was just passed out of the Legislature.

In other news, what have you done today to get the Governor’s revenue measure passed?