Tom Steyer Plans on Spending Big on Climate Change Advocacy

Former Hedge Fund Manager turned climate activist looks to make climate change big 2016 issue

by Brian Leubitz

Tom Steyer is no stranger to opening up his pocket book for causes in which he believes. He pretty much funded the Yes on Prop 39 by himself, contributing over $30m to the measure. He’s now looking to spread his message to a wider audience, hoping to put the issue of climate change back on the radar.

California billionaire Tom Steyer turned heads in Washington with the news that he plans to spend $100 million to help make climate change a defining issue in this year’s elections.

But it gets even bigger: The hedge fund executive turned green activist might be willing to lay out even more than that eye-popping number, and he’s looking to spend it in places that are also important for 2016.(Politico)

His NextGen Climate Action SuperPAC is looking at going into a slew of important Senate and gubernatorial races, especially races that feature a climate change “denier.”

Some are calling Steyer a sort of anti-Koch, but it is easy to overestimate the operation as well as misstating motives. First, Steyer does not have anywhere near the operation that the Kochs have. The Kochs have been building infrastructure for years, and have fostered a broad network of self-interested donors. Steyer has none of that infrastructure, but also none of the aversion to the media. He’s friendly and media savvy, eager to explain why he focuses his time on climate change. Oh, and he seems not to have the duties to legacy environmental organizations and their donors that can occasionally unsettle coalitions.

Whether Steyer has plans, as rumored, of a race for Governor here in 2018 is still an open question. But he’s certainly going to make a name for himself in the next two years if he does spend that $100 million.