All posts by BigDog04

Gov. Muscles and Rebuilding Calif…who’s Issue?

The funniest part to me of Gov. Muscles attempt to get back in the public favor is his adopting of the rebuilding of the infrastructure California using the levee system as his first focus.

Why levee’s? New Orleans. It is valid. You bet. Our So Cal water system partly depends on them as does the entire Delta system.

But whose issue should it have been? Democrats!

Why wasn’t it? Because of the same heat Gov. Muscles is now taking from his own party. $$ Cost. Yet the reality is that our great state is falling apart in so many ways we can’t even count them as casual observers.

So Gov. Muscles makes several strong apprearances advocating that which cannot be denied, infrastructure rebuilding, as perhaps…maybe…scores major points.

The Democrats in Sacramento were afraid to do the same thing for fear of be slaughtered by the opposistion as big spenders. Now Muscles may have the political ‘muscle’ (no pun intended) to pull it off.

It took the rabid anti-communist Nixon to open dialogue with Communist China. Will it take a Republican Governor…hopefully soon to be replaced….to start the process of rebuilding California?

CA-50:Francine Busby’s Inspiring Speech at Los Angeles Rally (Audio)

(CA 50 is running fast and furious. Take a listen to your next Congresswoman from San Diego. – promoted by SFBrianCL)


Francine Busby is inspiring candidates across the nation to believe the impossible can happen. When you hear this speech you will know why. But also notice how she paid her dues before deciding to run for Congress. She served locally. She ran for other offices and won.

And she knows the value of fundraising! She spends hours everyday on the phone raising money so she can win the race. Most of out new candidates have a hard time doing the same things that Francine Busby takes for granted.  And remember….she is her second run for the same seat…she doesn’t give up!
She’s the Model…..listen and learn….
MP3 download here

CA-48: Indictments,Crooks and Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough!

Scooter Libby,not only directly connected to the Veep but also not well reported a special assistant to the President, is headed to the Slams. The Veep is under investigation. Rove is not only under investigation but is forming his own legal team and has retained a PR firm from Colorado that is expert in crisis management.

Tom Delay apparently has a hair stylist, makeup artist and smile coach for his arraignment mug-shot and acts as if he is still in charge of the House of Representatives.

Senator Bill Frist, a Doctor, makes diagnosis via video and now has a ‘blind’ trust whose Trustee’s report directly to him at least once. And he’s under investigation.

David Dreier, CA-26, is supposed to succeed Delay until his supposed gayness gets too public and he’s shoved down the row for a man, Roy Blount, who himself may soon be under investigation for a series of fundraisers that wound up benefiting a charity that employed his wife and others. Jack Abramoff and Jim Ellis, both recently having legal problems are in that picture too. Story here.

At least 154 dead in New Orleans hospitals and nursing homes…Jeb Bush trying to take the heat for the poor performance Florida performance after Hurricane Wilma….

Enough is Enough

Reform, reform and reform has to be our bywords in these next elections.

In CA-48, Steve Young, Democratic nominee issued this statement:

“It is time to stand against those who have lost their moral compass in the pursuit of partisan advantage.   Republicans object that investigations are criminalizing politics,but the indictments of Tom DeLay and Scooter Libby, and investigations of Representative Duke Cunningham, Senator Bill Frist, and others in the most powerful positions in the Executive branch prove the charge.  The assailants are still on the march, threatening to undermine our democratic ideals.

We need leaders in Washington who understand that our nation’s needs are more important than the politics of personal vendetta. The Republican Party has lost its way.  There can be no excuse for endangering the secret life of a loyal public servant to settle old debts.  When I am elected to Congress, accountability to my constituents will be more important than partisan politics.”

These are some of the reasons that Steve Young continues a vigorous fight in a Distict that many consider unwinnable. Yet we on the inside of the campaign know of the multiple plans, operating simultaneously, to bring voters to the polls and swing this election.[Excuse me if I don’t reveal our strategic plans in detail in public.]

This is the last Congressional Election of 2005. Why wait for 2006 to start the massive change in Congress needed to overcome this culture of corruption?

The Steve Young for Congress Campaign believes that those who are, in their hearts, pro-choice, pro-reproductive rights, who want to end the Iraq War as soon as possible, who are anti-corruption and pro-medical research can be motivated to vote on December 6th. And majority of those will be Democrats and Independents but there will also be disaffected, disappointed Republicans.

Just today, Oct 29, 2005, in the Orange County Register is a front page news story
of the former State GOP Chairman saying, with other things, “I think his base is alienated”.

With a projected District turnout for the final General Election, on the heels of the Statewide General Election November 8, of less than 22%, simply achieving a final vote that would normally be considered awful will win this race.

Don’t give up on the CA-48 regardless of the Primary numbers or the Conventional Wisdom. Non-conventional planning, hardcore execution and a motivated Candidate gives Democrats in CA-48 a real chance for change when change in most needed. Support us with good thoughts at least and more if you can. We have 38 days to go…and we will use every one of them.

Our motto? Enough is Enough!

CA-48th: Two Weeks Until the Final Push

In the CA-48th the final push for victory will come starting November 9. That’s the day after Gov. Muscles Statewide Special Election that is filled with toxic proposistions.

Until that is over the Unions, the Democratic Clubs, the volunteer base that we would rely on are fully engaged in a war, and I do mean war over that election. After that is over it is our hope that the SEIU, The Unions in general and our Democratic  Base can immediately suck in a little more oxygen and give us the help we will need to accomplish our goals.

Since this blog is regularly visited by the competition forgive me if I don’t layout in detail the entire plan beyond the above portion…and it is just a portion that does not include the media, debates, mailings and other things.

There was a diary on dKos today asking for questions for DNC Chair Governor Dean. Apparently the poster was in a function with the Governor and was solicting good questions to ask. Mine was more specific to this campaign:

Why are you not supporting the last

Congressional race in the US, the CA-48 in Newport Beach California? Without Party support it is difficult at best.

The ’50 State Strategy’ takes on a  different meaning when a Candidate
that won his primary, has Union endorsements, national endorsement from
Progressive Democrats of America, Teachers for Excellance and many
others can’t get any Party support.

Just a question…not a judgement.

Governor Dean has done a great job and I’m sure this would be the first he’s heard of the race.

And this question is honestly asked. I sincerely doubt the Governor has ever been directly involved in any of the decision making about the race. Yet the lack of support for a Candidate, while not perfect, who is willing to spend his own money, throw himself into the race with such gusto and gather such Democratic support throughout the District who is still essentially ignored by the Party establishment brings into doubt the supposed ’50 State Strategy’.

We fight for the win. For those who read this we honestly ask for your financial support. We need that last mailing, that last unusual tactic to overcome the Republican Machine we face in this race.

We won’t give up. We ask the Blogsphere not to give up on us either.

CA-48th: A Question for All…Help Shape the Message

(I like this idea. The Blog Brain… – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Ok. Here’s a brainstrom. Let’s use our collective Blog Brain to help me gather some info for the CA-48th campaign which has it’s General Election on Dec 6th.

Now that we are in a General Election it is natural that there will be more conflict between the limited field. In the primary there were 17 candidates.

Now, realistically, there’s Steve Young (D), John Campbell (R) and Jim Gilchrist (More important stuff on the flip.AIP).

[Note before you write-off Gilchrist,  know that today he is having a $1000 per person fundraiser abroad one of the Tall Ships around here for a day of seagoing etc. And he’ll sell it out is my guess. I’ll let you know.]

If we were to change message at all, assuming you’ve been watching our message, what would you like to see?


Check the website, Steve Young for Congress, to get a feel for his core message and stand on issues, then tell us how you would approach the coming General Election where the Three Frontrunners have to confront their differences more directly and, perhaps, dramatically.

All responses will be taken seriously if written that way. Thanks.

PS: This isn’t a debate about his view, BTW. They are what they are although he’s shown himself to be open to other sides. This is about the General Election Message in a Red District.

First Rule: Before you can govern, you must win.

CA-48th: The Real News

Well, the CA-48th has settled into a three period waiting for the November 8th statewide elections.  Everyone in the 48th is trying their best to help do the work necessary on the November 8th election and still help CA-48 and Steve Young and it’s hard on everyone! I think both will pick up dramatically for us after the Statewide General Election is finished and the Governor’s effort is defeated.

Yesterday Governor Muscles started his official GOTV effort in OC and Steve Young was out front with the Firefighters, Police unions and other labor groups protesting with signs and shouts. He is due to go to a Senator Clinton fundraiser tonight. Will he get an official photo we can use? I don’t know yet. That was still being talked about last I heard.

But the most amazing piece of info from this mornings article about the Statewide General Special Election was that even Muscles was only predicting a 30% turnout!

With the tens of millions that both sides have already spent on this race I thought it would be much higher than that.

This makes my own prediction for Dec 6th (the Final General Election for Ca-48th) of 18%, down from the 22% of the Oct 4th Primary, seem realistic…not just wishful.

If we can move a relative handful of our 108K Democratic Base and the 75K Indy base…much less pick up the Republican women that won’t vote for the Republican because he’s Anti-Choice….

We can win this race!

We need you good Democrats and Independents to work hard to defeat those damn propositions but not forget the hard work of Steve Young, his volunteers and give generously as you can.

All of us know this isn’t the easiest time to be a Democrat in California. We are faced with huge money and an enormous machine.

But remember that the modern Democratic Party was born in the struggle of the Union movement when getting to the negotiating table was done with physical fighting, blood and broken bones. What we do today is nothing compared to what was done by those brave people a generation or two before us.

Work hard and never, ever give up. Our Democratic forefathers, many of whom shed blood on the picket lines or getting into polling places, demand it of us.

CA-48th: Today is The Day for the Primary

After a very short runup, more internal trouble from Democrats than we ever got from Republicans, the Open Ballot Primary for the CA-48th opened the polling places at 7 am this morning. They will close at 8pm tonight. 15 people on the ballot.

Expected turnout? Around 22-25%

Expected Democratic Nominee: Steve Young
Expected Republican Nominee: John Campbell
Expected A.I.P.     Nominee: Jim GilChrist
and other minor players

General Election is Dec 6th.

CA-48 has one election a month for three months.
Today OCT 4= CA-48 Primary
State NOV 8= State Special Election
Then  DEC 6= CA-48 General

It’s possible that the Dec 6th turnout could be lower than today’s. Amazing but true.

Please keep up the support. With Gilchrist in the race and Campbell with some wacko positions we have a real chance here.

CA-48th: Steve Young Building Staff for General Election

I’ve had some private email wondering what we were doing to get ready for the General Election. Since Steve Young, the presumptive Democratic nominee and Democratic Party of California endorsed Candidate for the CA-48th, will be facing John Campbell, the presumptive Republican nominee, a millionaire and the entire Republican machine, I thought just this one little press release might give you some of the flavor of the quality of people jumping on board our campaign. (Our Open Primary, all candidates on one ballot, is Tuesday Oct. 4. We fully expect to be the Democratic Nominee.)

I was not aware of this Blog until Mary Scott O’Conner did me the favor of informing me today. I will make sure you are kept up to speed on the very important race. The CA-48th in Newport Beach is the Republicans Crown Jewel in California. And we have a very, very good chance of taking it away from them.

Visit our very advanced and unusual website, Steve Young for Congress to literally meet the Candidate for yourself.

This press item was released to the MSM yesterday:

Steve Young Gears Up for Special Election
 Campaign Rides Momentum into Oct. 4 Primary with Additional Advisors Joining the Campaign

more on the flip

(IRVINE — Sept. 30, 2005) — The Steve Young for Congress campaign entered the final week before the October 4th special election with the announcement of Lori Kreloff and Brad Chase joining the campaign as senior staff members.  Kreloff, formerly a major donor fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, will lead the campaign’s Washington DC based Political Action Committee fundraising efforts while Chase will serve as press secretary.  

“The competition is heating up in advance of the primary and we’re bringing aboard the big guns to add depth to our campaign,” said Steve Young, Democratic candidate for California’s 48th Congressional District.  “John Campbell may be telling the media that he has the election in hand, but the race is far from over and my campaign is adding seasoned veterans such as Lori and Brad to add depth and expertise to our staff that will take the campaign to the next level and to Washington.”

Kreloff’s primary responsibility will be to create and foster relationships with Mid-Atlantic and National Political Action Committee donors and raise funds for the campaign.  She previously worked at the DNC as California Finance Director and Mid-Atlantic Finance Director and is involved at a senior level for several major campaigns.  She graduated from the University of Illinois.

Chase will lead the campaign’s public relations efforts and serve as Young’s primary spokesperson.  Previously, he was employed by Hill & Knowlton, a global public relations consultancy, in its Los Angeles office.  He received bachelor’s degrees in government and philosophy from the University of Virginia and a master’s degree in strategic public relations from the University of Southern California.

Since we are going up against the best the Republicans have to offer we will answer with the same. Just thought you’d want to know your dollars, (and thank you for the ActBlue support of the last few days…keep up the good work), are being spent on essential tasks.

The Unions have promised substantial support to the Nominee so Wednesday we begin that process with our Washington DC person being the leader in that cause.

Since we support The Apollo Alliance that opens a very unlikely series of PAC alliances as well. We will explore every financial avenue….likely and unlikely.

Steve Young is a Dynamic speaker and we hope to capture a speech to a crowd soon and place it on site so you can see his ability to move a crowd. He isn’t a normal Candidate.

Thanks for the support and please keep it coming at Steve Young for Congress.

PS:If  The John and Ken Show on KFI audiostream on the Net, Steve is walking into the Lions Den Monday afternoon and facing down, again, the major candidates. He loves that sort of thing. It might be worth a listen. He generally thrives on that sort of combative atmosphire. John and Ken don’t play fair. And I think he’s looking forward to it.

[PPS: Just realized that if you use Firefox and have had the browser open over night or for days, like I have, you may need to open a new Browser, or new TAB to get the site. Why? Not sure and have our techs investigating…but I’m passing it along.And we have had intermittment server problems today. Please be patient.]