All posts by Bill Hedrick for Congress CA-44

Bring Ken Calvert Home from Washington…Permanently!

(Thanks to Bill Hedrick for coming by to interact with us. As a candidate, per our informal rules, he goes to the front page. – promoted by David Dayen)

My name is Bill Hedrick.  I am a school board member and a teacher, and a candidate for Congress in California’s 44th district.  I want to go to Washington to represent you.  Help me bring Rep. Ken Calvert home to Corona…permanently. 

Ken’s record speaks for itself.  Ken opposed increasing the minimum wage (H.R. 2, 1-10-07) and he opposed allowing the government to negotiate for better prices for Medicare prescriptions (H.R. 4, 1-12-07).  He opposed equal pay for equal work (H.R. 2831, 7-31-07), and voted against affordable housing for Katrina victims (H.R. 254, 3-20-07).  He has opposed reasonable conservation measures and voted against the Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act (H.R. 6, 1-18-07).

Ken has supported George Bush’s war every step of the way-most recently supporting the deployment of additional tens of thousands of soldiers to Iraq (H. Cong. R. 63, 2-16-07).  Ironically, he has voted against a military pay raise (H.R. Call 554, 10-17-03).

Against this appalling record, I can say that my family supports the troops-including my son and daughter-in-law, both stop-lossed, and currently serving second deployments.  But I believe Americans cannot resolve the Iraqi civil war-Iraqis need to settle it themselves, and I believe this is the view of most residents of the 44th.  I support a timeline for withdrawal, and I will work hard to bring all our troops home.

Moreover, unlike Ken, I will support trade policies that safeguard the interests of working Americans.  The lax environmental and labor requirements for foreign-based manufacturers in current trade agreements have placed Americans at a tremendous disadvantage.  Speaking of labor, you will probably not be surprised that Ken also voted against easing Labor’s right to organize (H.R. 118, 3-1-07).

With this kind of record in Congress, what’s there not to like?  Plenty!

Please help us “Bring Ken Home!”  We need him in Corona so that he can stop hurting us in Washington!

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