All posts by Ca-48 steve young

Help – David vs Goliath

(I wish we’d hear from all of our challenger candidates more regularly. – promoted by David Dayen)

I am Steve Young, the Democrat challenging John Campbell [R, CA-48] the sixth richest member of congress. My challenge is truly a David vs. Goliath battle — and we know how that one turned out.

I am writing to ask for your help. Two reasons make the House race in California’s 48th district important:

  1. We need a representative with the spine to vote his heart; and
  2. As we have learned from sad experience, we don’t have the votes in Washington to pass necessary legislation.

We need a voice – reflective of our values – in the U.S. House in Washington.

Democrats need to "hold the line" in the House.

If you agree with these two statements, then please take a moment to make a secure online contribution of $25 to my campaign right now.

Let me explain.

I am Steve Young. I am not a career politician. I have never been on the public payroll. I do not answer to special interests, or PACS. I am definitely different from the traditional member of the House of Representatives who has “moved up” to avoid unemployment under term limits. I have run my own business, and have had to do without to make payroll. I understand the struggles Americans face today.

I will bring a different perspective to the U.S. House. To do that I need your help.

Please make a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign today.

Your help is absolutely critical. I plan to launch ads in the media in February after super Tuesday. That is slightly over a month away. I can purchase 1 ad slot in my district for $25.

I have made advertisements to remind my district of the many examples of John Campbell’s hypocrisy including:

  1. His attack on SCHIP “because it is a publicly funded health care system,” while he took publicly funded health care as a Congressman.
  2. His justification for voting to cut veterans’ benefits because, “Veterans commit fraud.”
  3. His support of waterboarding because it is, “a psychological interrogation technique that does not inflict physical pain or permanent damage.”
  4. His vote to sustain Bush’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 belying his many media pronouncements concerning his "dedication to the environment."

If he is reelected to the House, John Campbell will continue under the banner of “unburdening business” to rail against laws that give us clean drinking water, safe work places, and a retirement safety net.

Help me stop him by helping me get my message out next month.

Make a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign right now so I can buy much-needed media in February.

John Campbell is the sixth richest member of Congress. He made millions as a car dealer. I will need to match him and the corporate interests that raised almost $2 million for his election. And that’s why I need your help.

The money battle will be like David and Goliath. We know who won that one.

Earlier I told you there were two reasons I needed to win this race. One was so that Californians will have an unfettered representative.

But the other reason is as important.

You see, House Democrats are struggling to pass necessary legislation. We need additional House votes to make a difference in Washington.

Help me launch my media ads by making a secure online contribution of $25 or more to my campaign right now.

Thank you for your help.

Your friend,

Steve Young

U.S. House Candidate

“I am not one of them!”

Paid for by Steve Young for Congress

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the following information for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

Contributions to Steve Young for Congress are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The maximum allowable contribution is $2,300 per person to each of the primary and general elections. Couples may give up to $9,200 from common funds for the primary and general elections, but both names must be on the account. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals, labor unions and federal government contractors are prohibited.

101 Pacifica #100 Irvine, California 92618

Email: [email protected] | Phone: 949.640.4400 | Fax: 949.788.3993

Earmark Hypocrisy

John Campbell [R, CA-48] thinks his public attacks on earmarks, including broadsides against Andre Agasi’s highly touted charter school in Las Vegas, a Sherwin-Williams research project, John Murtha, and Charles Rangel’s education center, mark him as a fiscal conservative for his base.  But Campbell’s votes in 2006 during the Republican control of the house mark him as a fiscal hypocrite.

Let’s be honest about John Campbell [R, Ca-48].  He is not a deficit fighter, but a political hack.  He now plays the curmudgeon on earmarks, but his 2006 voting record under the Republican majority in Congress is a different story.  For example, Campbell voted, without a hint of objection to ridiculous earmarks like:
  $1 million for Southern and Eastern Kentucky Tourism Department;
  $250,000 for the Montana World Trade Center;
  $300,000 for the Bronx Council for Marketing of Local Business Art Initiatives;
  $250,000 for the Bronx On-Water Learning Program;
John Campbell’s claims fiscal superiority, but his votes in 2006 belie a different motive.  duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) said, “Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.”  Campbell is the classic proof of the statement.

Look at my web-site for more on Campbell.
You can contribute at Act Blue

Steve Young


Reps knocking off ActBlue

It had to happen.  The Reps have opened an internet fund-raising site.  The scary part is that Keith A. Davis of Huckaby Davis Lisker (who previously worked for Bush-Cheney ’04) is the Treasurer.  I am cross posting from my DailyKos diary.

In 2006, 22 federal races were won or lost by less than 2 percent. In 2002 and 2004, just seven races total were won or lost by less than 2 percent. We’re no longer winning and losing races with wide margins. One reason Democrats won the House and Senate majorities is because sites like ACTBLUE allowed Democrats to raise funds across the country and raise resources get our message out.

The Republicans are now entering the field with PAC that operates,
acting as a “conduit” for Republican contributors to federal races.

Acknowledging that Democrats are far ahead of Republicans in converting their online presence to off-line support, states,

It is our hope that Slatecard will level the playing field for Republican candidates and causes by providing an innovative platform for use by the Right kind of activists.

SlateCard uses several innovations that ActBlue should implement. 

First is the innovation of “issue badges.” Currently, on any candidate’s website or on a site like ActBlue, once a user inputs their credit card information and clicks submit the process is over.

Not so on Slatecard. On Slatecard, when a contribution has successfully processed the user is then taken to an issue badges page where the user can choose one of 26 issues that they believe the candidate represents well. For example, a few popular issue badges are “Faith & Values,” “2nd Amendment Rights,” Secure Our Borders,” and “Stop Hillary.” Once we’ve amassed enough data, we’re going to give activists the ability to search for candidates they might support based on the issues. But we’re not letting candidates choose the issues, instead the issues are selected by the community that supports that candidate. In other words, we’re hopeful that we’ll be able to make a qualified-Wiki of candidates where issue-based voters can support candidates regardless of geography.

The second innovation is to provide a “Connect” section on every candidates profile where the candidate can add links to social networking sites like facebook, myspace, youtube, flickr, linkedin and other outlets.

The third innovation is what the page calls “Snacktivism.” The Reps track every action on the site (Who knew the Reps would do such a thing) by registering the site  The Ticker. It is in effect a score card of visits to pages and shows interest beyond just donations. 

There is also a blog page and other features that ActBlue could effectively implement.

Campbell slanders veterans

“Veterans commit fraud.”  (John Campbell’s [R, Ca-48]) Listen to the story, told by the veterans to whom he made the statement.

John Campbell [R Ca-48] says “Veterans Commit Fraud.”
Steve Young stands behind our veterans.

I want to reach every veteran in the country to let them know how Campbell feels about veterans. Three veterans heard Campbell’s macaca statement. I made a commercial to tell the truth, and to demand that Campbell apologize to veterans.

$25 pays for one airing of this commercial in my District. How many times would you like to see this commercial play?

Go to Actblue:  https://secure.actbl… (and contribute) to tell George Bush and John Campbell, “Stop posing in front of soldiers, and start standing behind our veterans.”

Look at my website at

Do you want to know why I am so committed to the veterans and their benefits? I took the time to put it on tape so you can hear it from the horse’s mouth:

If I am the kind of man you want in Washington, then I need help: 1.  Please contribute to my campaign at ActBlue:  https://secure.actbl… 2.  Hit the “recommend” button to keep this message visible.  3.  Send a link to this post to everyone you know who cares about veterans and their issues, no matter where they live.
Thank you,