All posts by ChrisCunnieSF

Why Chris Cunnie is the Best Choice for SF Sheriff

(I worked with Chris Cunnie on the AG’s election, and he is a good guy who really knows his stuff. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

By: Attorney General Kamala Harris

They say true convictions are what you display when no one is looking and there is nothing to gain. I have seen the true convictions of Chris Cunnie – which is why I am so convinced he is the best choice to be our next Sheriff.

When I was running for Attorney General there were many “insiders” who said my Smart on Crime platforms would make me unelectable in many parts of California. So when I stood up as a candidate for Attorney General to explain why we must balance long prison terms for offenders with early intervention and other Smart on Crime programs – very few people stood up with me at first.

Chris Cunnie was one of the few.

We made quite a pair I guess – the African American District Attorney and the Irish-American former police officer. But Chris was always there for me and truly understood what my campaign was all about. From Bakersfield to Fresno, to East San Diego County and places in between, Chris stood up and testified for my Smart on Crime programs. He helped me fight for a public safety strategy that would focus on keeping kids in school, helping ex-offenders get back on the right track, job training and drug treatment for people in prison so they could succeed when they were released. AND he focused enforcement on serious and violent crimes to make our neighborhoods safer.

Chris Cunnie understands what works because he has done BOTH. He served as a decorated police officer in virtually every San Francisco neighborhood. He was an early leader and advocate for community policing. He has given our city incredible service and honed his leadership skills as Director of Emergency Communications, Chief of Investigations in my DA’s Office and finally as Undersheriff – the number two leader in the jails – under Michael Hennessey.

Chris has also been a strong leader in the treatment and prevention community. He was head of Walden House, one of the country’s leading treatment facilities. He served on the state board helping those who are drug and alcohol dependent stay out of the criminal justice system if they sought and stayed in treatment. And, as I mentioned above, he has been one of the leading advocates for my Smart on Crime platforms.

We need experienced leaders to serve in law enforcement in San Francisco. Chris Cunnie has earned my whole-hearted support and I so strongly urge you to join me in support of Chris Cunnie for Sheriff on November 8.