All posts by David Dayen

Week In Review Open Thread

Some of these items may have been covered here, some not, but I didn’t get to post a lot throughout the week, so here’s some fresh meat (apologies to CMR) for those interested in Golden State politics:

• Last week the LAT reported on the rise of private prisons as an answer to crises like the overcrowding situation in California.  Of course, the last private prison in the state I can remember, the city lockup in Seal Beach, had to be closed down because it WASN’T MAKING ENOUGH MONEY. 

• Meanwhile, Robert Sillen, who’s overseeing the prison health care system after a federal judge threw it into receivership, got a somewhat favorable writeup in the New York Times.  Sillen is going a little outside the boundaries of his mandate to improve the facilities for prisoners, including going outside state budget requirements.  He also spoke a little truth:

Mr. Sillen says California politicians are reaping what they have sown. He attributed the state’s prison problems to tough-on-crime lawmakers who made political hay out of sentencing laws that filled the state prisons without expanding either the facilities or their services.

He has a standard diatribe concerning the criminal justice system that includes issues like the neglect of poor neighborhoods and the lack of alcohol treatment programs.

“I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for the politics,” Mr. Sillen said. “No one gets elected in Sacramento without a platform that says, ‘Let’s get rid of rapists, pedophiles and murderers.’ “

• Which is why it’s doubtful that two bills soon to be on the Governor’s desk that would create independent sentencing commissions with the ability to modify sentencing laws will be signed.  Schwarzenegger is as wedded to the tough-on-crime myth as his Republican pals, and he thinks that privatization, along with building on credit, is the answer.  None of those measures attacks the problem at the root, however, which is why we’ll be back here in five years.

• I attended the press event where the Speaker announced legislation aimed at stopping oil industry market manipulation on a variety of fronts.  Turns out those bills have been denuded, and I can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with all that oil money pouring in to the CDP and various legislators, including the Speaker himself.

• Another bill that appears unlikely to be signed by the Governor is Sen. Perata’s bill that would put the occupation of Iraq to a vote in Feburary 2008.  Backers of this bill think they have squeezed Schwarzenegger, and if they jump on the result then maybe they’ll get something out of it, but reasonable people agree that this is a meaningless feel-good measure that would have no impact on actual policy, and the Governor can merely say that those interested in ending the war already have a voice in Washington, call your representatives, etc.

• There is supposedly something in the works on health care reform, another closed-door deal mandated by a forced-bottleneck process that results in a Big 5, Little 116 state government.  I wonder if the 30 million-plus citizens NOT represented by Sens. Perata or Yacht Boy Ackerman, or Asms. Nuñez or Villines, feel valued by such a process.  As for the actual bill, it’s apparently a mix of approving the plan now with the funding (including fee hikes) in a ballot initiative later.

• There’s also a redistricting ballot initiative in the works.  Hey I’ve got an idea, how about we have an election a week and “let the people decide” everything!  Wouldn’t it be so democratic, to run a nation-state based on 30-second television ads?? (also, people redistrict themselves, this measure will end up being FAR less spectacular than everyone believes, and also the political map has changed in 8 years, and the gerrymandering itself is not a good enough reason not to contest everywhere, it’s just a convenient cop-out that allows the CDP to unilaterally disarm.)

I’d better stop writing before I get myself in more trouble…

CA-41: Lewis, DoJ Drain The Money Swamp

Bruin Kid lets us know that Jerry Lewis will be seeking re-election next year.  He’s obviously pretty confident that his legal troubles and investigations into his corrupt earmarking will amount to nothing.  I’m thinking this is why:

In Los Angeles, a federal criminal investigation of Rep. Jerry Lewis, a California Republican, stalled for nearly six months due to a lack of funds, according to former prosecutors. The lead prosecutor on the inquiry and other lawyers departed the office, and vacancies couldn’t be filled. George Cardona, the interim U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, declined to comment on specific cases but confirmed that lack of funds and unfilled vacancies caused delays in some investigations […]

People with knowledge of the case said that by the time the investigation stalled in December 2006, it had branched out into other areas, including Mr. Lewis’s June 2003 role in passing legislation that helped giant hedge fund Cerberus Capital Management. People associated with Cerberus around the same time gave at least $140,000 to a political action committee controlled by Mr. Lewis. Cerberus officials didn’t respond to phone calls or emailed questions concerning the Lewis inquiry […]

After the lead prosecutor in the Lewis case quit, others assigned to the case took time getting up to speed. Brian Hershman, a former deputy chief of the Los Angeles office’s public corruption section, declined to comment on specific cases, but confirms that his group’s work overall was derailed by the departure of experienced prosecutors. Like several others, he says he left for more money to support his family.

Replacements “are mostly rookies,” he says. “It will be some time before they’ll be able to restore the section to what it was before.”

With additional funds recently made available by Congress, the Los Angeles office has filled 12 of 57 lawyer vacancies and is expecting an additional 12 lawyers to start soon. To jump-start the Lewis investigation, Mr. Cardona, the interim U.S. attorney, in June called on a veteran prosecutor, Michael Emmick, to revive and supervise the investigation, people with knowledge of the investigation say.

Day late and a dollar short on that one, I’d gather.  This is approaching criminal conduct by the Justice Department.  At a time when the investigation was expanding, Debra Wong Yang (the US Attorney for the region) suddenly jumped ship for the law firm representing Lewis.  You can bet they never lacked funds; Yang received nearly $1.5 million.  The law firm, Gibson Dunn, took the top assistant off the case as well.  So the LA office was thrown into disarray precisely when the investigation was heating up, and the money for the office dried up at the same time.  Pathetic.  With or without Alberto Gonzales, we still have a DoJ protecting its own and politicized beyond control.  And this is the time when Democratic leaders are seeking to call off the dogs in the US Attorney case?

CA-04: Doolittle Gets Jilted By His Prom Date

Babaloo noted for us that Assemblyman Ted Gaines has put together an exploratory committee to run in the June Congressional primary against John Doolittle.  Gaines becomes the third Republican to announce for the primary, joining talk-radio host Eric Egland and Auburn City councilman Mike Holmes.  This is great news for Charlie Brown; even if anti-Doolittle sentiment among Republicans is 70%, in a four-person race the anti-Doolittle vote will be fractured enough that the incumbent would be likely to prevail.  And Doolittle would be clobbered in a rematch with Charlie, IMO.

But for Doolittle, this one’s gotta hurt.  After all, it wasn’t so long ago that he and Gaines attended the Enchantment-Under-The-Sea dance, swooning to “Always & Forever” and “Endless Love” until the sun came up the next morning.  Here’s a pic:

Ain’t they the cutest?  And now, blind ambition has ripped them asunder.  It’s sad, really.

Report: Term Limits Initiative Fails To Gather Enough Signatures, Will Miss February Ballot

The Flash Report had a Drudge-like breaking news item up last night that the term limits initiative scheduled for the February ballot was going to miss the number of required signatures needed to qualify.  We’ve been calling around, and apparently this is pretty accurate.  It’s totally unconfirmed, and the Secretary of State can go to a hand count to see if they reached the requisite number.  But right now, it’s not looking good; a LOT of the signatures have been invalidated.

I’m honestly astonished.  I thought you could accidentally gather enough signatures to get something on the ballot in California.  I’m not sure where the ball was dropped here.

They can try again to make this term limits shift for the June ballot.  But if they can’t qualify for February, many current incumbents whose length of service would stretch due to the provisions of the initiative would end up termed out.  This includes Speaker Nuñez and President Pro Tem Perata.  I’d like to get a full list of the implications of this, but that won’t happen right now.  (ortcutt?)

This will make it easier for challengers to decide to run, so we’ll see the June primary process take shape quickly if this works out this way.  Quite a turn of events.

(The other question is, what happens to all the money horded for this initiative?  I know a certain dirty trick that needs fighting…)

[UPDATE]- by Julia Frank in the comments links to an excellent Cap Weekly article on this.  There is no definitive word on if there will be enough signatures.  The authenticity checks are not complete, however there is a significant risk that the initiative may have enough votes to qualify but that it would be verified too late to make it on the ballot.  Really, read the piece and you will see there are a lot of moving pieces.

Anyone who is used to watching returns on this state should know that never say anything until LA’s numbers are in…

Lots In The Air On Healthcare Reform

Seems like a great deal of things are happening on the health care front, but I don’t think any of them point to significant reform in this legislative session.  In fact, people are trying to scramble for alternatives.

Dan Weintraub has a feature on Fabian Nuñez’ attempts to get through to the Governor that the other side of the aisle is simply not interested in compromise.  As Julia noted the other day, Nuñez will put the Governor’s plan up for a vote tomorrow, and nobody will vote for it.

The speaker says he intends to package the governor’s plan as legislation and present it to the Assembly, where it will surely die. In fact, Núñez said, his own vote for the bill, which he will cast as a “courtesy,” will likely be the only support the governor’s plan receives.

“I’m going to take him from the stratosphere, and I am going to ground him,” Núñez told me in an interview in his Capitol office. “He needs a little grounding. Nobody likes his plan.”

I don’t know how the Governor is going to respond to this, but clearly observers aren’t thinking it will end in sweetness and light.  They’re making other plans.  over…

State Sen. Darrell Steinberg is floating a plan to cover all children as a fallback reform should nothing else materialize.

“We ought to achieve comprehensive health care reform, but our first priority must be children,” Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said Wednesday at a Capitol news conference to tout children’s health care.

Steinberg’s Senate Bill 32 and a companion bill, Assembly Bill 1 by Assemblyman John Laird, D-Santa Cruz, would expand the children’s Healthy Families Program by increasing the household income limit from $51,625 for a family of four, or 250 percent of the federal poverty level, to $61,950, or 300 percent.

But there’s currently no funding in the legislation, which would require the state to spend $225 million more annually to cover the estimated 800,000 children without insurance in California.

Any legislation would have to be approved before the Legislature adjourns Sept. 14, unless Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger calls a special session.

“If our bills become the vehicle (for health care changes), they will be amended to include a funding source to either fund the full amount or at least a significant start for year one,” Steinberg said.

Obviously, there’s no chance of this happening without S-CHIP expansion, which the Governor is trying to get the President to authorize.  Children’s healthcare is cheap and saves the state money in the long run, along with being simply the right thing to do.  But it’s a small step, not the big change that Californians want.  The Governor is opposed to a piecemeal approach, for the record, but could he really veto children’s health care?

To that end, a couple unlikely partners are looking to the ballot box for an eventual answer.

In 2004, the California Restaurant Association led the successful effort to repeal SB 2, which would have required employers to provide health insurance to their employees. On the other side of that multimillion-dollar battle was the California Medical Association and organized labor.

Labor and the CMA are both heavily engaged in the ongoing Capitol negotiations, while business groups have rejected both the Democrats’ and the governor’s proposal as untenable. But the restaurants’ proposal may serve as a starting point for negotiations for a possible November 2008 ballot initiative, just in case a deal cannot be hammered out this year.

“We are not ready to give up on current legislative proposals, but are interested in hearing what CRA has to say,” said CMA’s top lobbyist, Dustin Corcoran. “As a longtime proponent of universal health care, CMA welcomes any serious effort to reform health care and looks forward to further discussions.”

But Jot Condie, president of the California Restaurant Association, said his members are “moving forward as if the Legislature has already concluded its business.” Condie said, “It appears the Legislature is incapable of producing needed reform, so we decided to look to the initiative process.”

I don’t know whether this is serious or just an attempt to put pressure on the Legislature to get something done.  The CRA is floating an 1% increase in the sales tax to cover the cost of health care, that’s really all the details that have come out.

This might be just chaos before everything actually fits into place and a deal is brokered.  I’m not seeing that, however.

Steve Lopez Would Like To Award The Certificate of Merit

Today’s column in the LA Times takes the Governor to task for his unconscionable cut of homeless services that were working and saving money, in favor of a tax loophole for Dick Ackerman’s yachting pals.  Lopez has spent lots of time on the streets of Skid Row, and gotten to know the homeless people that struggle to survive down there.  One of them, Bill Compton, died Monday, and it’s grimly ironic that this happened at the same time that the program inspired by his successful move off the streets had its funding cut.

Bill Compton’s Project Return helped pave the way for AB 2034, which, until its funding was cut by Schwarzenegger last week, was keeping nearly 5,000 people off the streets of California with a smart mix of housing and all the necessary support services.

The governor’s staff has argued that the program can be funded with other revenues, such as money from the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63). But state Sen. Darrell Steinberg, who introduced AB 2034 when he was in the Assembly, said the latter ploy is both illegal and a subversion of voter intent.

“I was sick to my stomach for two days,” said Steinberg, who believed until last week that the governor would be on his side, particularly since the program has substantially reduced hospitalization, incarceration and criminal justice costs for its participants.

For exciting yachting news, the flip…

Lopez then visited the Marina del Rey yacht club and did a little reporting about what was kept in the budget at the expense of getting homeless people off the streets:

If the governor was looking for savings, he could have taken his scalpel to an estimated $45-million tax break for purchases of yachts, planes and RVs.

To find out just how the break works, I called a yacht company in Marina del Rey. A sales rep told me I would have to buy the boat outside of California, but there’s a loophole available in that regard. Technically, he said, if I took ownership of the boat three miles off shore, I’d be out of the state.

In other words, if I wanted to buy a $100,000 sailboat, I would sign the contract at the shop in Marina del Rey and then navigate around the tax bite with a little vacation.

“We would effect delivery out of state, three miles out, with a hired skipper who would take you out,” the salesman explained. If I then sailed down to Mexico for 90 days, I’d avoid the sales tax of $8,250.

That’s roughly the cost, Van Horn told me, of keeping someone in the AB 2034 program for a year, if you count the matching Medi-Cal funds.

May Bill Compton rest in peace.

This is why Dick Ackerman – and Arnold Schwarzenegger – deserve the certificate of merit for being rich and not homeless.  The creativity with which they engineered yet another tax cut for the wealthy while dismissing those who are in vital need of help must be recognized with some sort of award.  There will be a special place in the afterlife for those who put this together.  I won’t say where.

Schwarzenegger Does The Right Thing, Writes The President To Expand S-CHIP

I’ve said a number of times that if the Governor was serious about health care reform, he needed to follow the lead of other Governors and demand that the President reverse his decision to both veto S-CHIP expansion and make it nearly impossible for states to help provide health care to as many children as possible by putting onerous new eligibility requirements on the states.  I’m pleased to say that he has followed through on one of these goals, and today Schwarzenegger and Gov. Spitzer of New York write to the President.

The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing new rules that will set Medicaid and state programs back forty years. These rules, which are being promulgated without proper review, impose eligibility standards that would both deny health care to vulnerable children and pregnant women and greatly restrict the flexibility of states to reach your administration’s stated goals of efficiently providing coverage. The rules must be withdrawn […]

California and New York cover more than 1.4 million children and pregnant women using State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funds – nearly one out of every four SCHIP recipients in the country. We have a long and productive relationship with CMS in leveraging SCHIP to innovatively provide maximum benefit with minimum resources.

We agree with your push for states to be a force for change in the delivery of health care to tens of millions of our fellow Americans who remain without meaningful coverage. But as you rally governors to do more to help fix our broken health care system, your administration has repeatedly modified existing Medicaid and SCHIP rules, harming states’ capacity to help you achieve our shared objectives.

The recently proposed SCHIP rules will reverse longstanding agreements with the states and reduce the number of children who receive health care. We strongly urge you to reconsider these recent policy changes, which simply diminish state flexibility.

Caring for children really isn’t a Democratic or Republican issue.  The Bush Administration wants to have it both ways, shirking the responsibility for health care onto the states while making it impossible for the states to carry out such a mission.  The White House has an ideological obsession with not allowing this successful program to be expanded; then people might think they can actually receive health care from a government program they pay for in taxes.  The horrors!  Good for the Governor on this one.

No Dirty Tricks: Edwards Steps Up

Chris Dodd was the first Presidential candidate to speak out against the dirty tricks initiative being pushed by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s old lawyer, that could steal up to 20 electoral votes in a right-wing power grab.  Now John Edwards has gone a step further, setting up a petition to oppose the ballot initiative.  I’ve added the full text on the flip.

I’m not sure where this petition is meant to go, or why it’s only being sent to Californians – presumably everyone would be interested in stopping the Republicans from stealing the election.  But clearly, it’s interesting to see which candidates are stepping up and joining the chorus of those who want to see the next Presidential election decided fairly and free of dirty tricks.

The petition is available here.

Dear David,

There’s a partisan power grab going on in California-and we need your help today to stop it.

Republican lawyers and wealthy insiders, working behind the scenes, are trying to rig the entire national election system in favor of their presidential candidate by changing California election laws.

Under their cynical scheme, California’s Electoral College votes will be divvied up to the winner of each Congressional district, rather than following the “winner-take-all” system that is the standard in 48 states, including Republican strongholds like Texas and Utah.

Our political process badly needs reform, including public funding of campaigns, greater voter participation and less lobbyist influence in Washington. But we don’t need dirty tricks by Republicans desperate to gain and maintain the status quo.

John Edwards is asking you to join us in standing up for political fairness-and to put an end to this blatant attempt to manipulate the result of the 2008 presidential election. Join thousands of other concerned Californian’s in signing the petition opposing this ballot initiative.


Help us send a message to these political operatives that their Karl Rove tactics will not work. We, the people, will not allow you to get away with this naked partisan power grab.

Please sign the petition-and encourage your family and friends to sign as well. There’s power in numbers and, together, we can end the attempt by these special interests to put yet another of their own in the White House next year.


Thank you for your support.

Crunch Time For Healthcare Reform

Dan Weintraub notes that legislative leaders are meeting today with the governor about the future of healthcare reform.  Here’s his thumbnail sketch:

The Republican lawmakers have been pretty clear about their opposition to mandates and taxes, which both the Democrats and the governor have as the centerpiece of their plans. But if you leave the Republicans out, then a pay-or-play employer mandate appears to be the only option that can pass on a majority vote, and the governor says he opposes that narrow approach. It looks as if they are going to have to regroup and think about taking the issue to the ballot with a different tax structure, no employer mandate and a broad coalition of support…

We know that Sen. Perata has been subdued about the chances for anything happening this year.  And we know that anything resembling a fee will be written off by the no-new-taxes Republicans, even when the governor is attempting to rally support for a fee structure that allows hospitals to get federal money for every dollar they put into an insurance pool.  The other major stumbling block is the fact that Republicans and business interests will almost certainly sue the state over whatever proposal is passed into law, either for violating the ERISA statute that prevents states from regulating employer-based plans, or for imposing fees on businesses that would require a 2/3 vote in the legislature.  That will happen no matter what gets passed, and yet nobody talks about it.


(To me that’s a good thing; employer-based healthcare ought to be severed in favor of something more flexible and more portable.  Otherwise more of the problems will exist with people not feeling able to leave jobs because they need to keep their insurance.  You also get this annoying tactic of resisting a truly universal system by arguing “If my employer doesn’t give me dental care, nobody should have it.”  Employers may need to pay into a system, but it should not be employer-based; that’s a relic of a system from the 1940s, and it’s bad for employees and competitiveness.)

It’s clear that the eyes of the nation are upon California as they attempt to deal with the healthcare crisis.  At precisely the right time, the Census Bureau reported a major increase in the nation’s uninsured, to 47 million, including 600,000 new children.  As I’ve said for a while, if the governor really wants to pass something this year he needs to speak up about the effort to cripple any effort at S-CHIP expansion, which is something his health care proposal relies upon heavily.  Today New York Governor Eliot Spitzer came out strongly against this morally misguided blockage by the Bush Administration to insure all children; Schwarzenegger has had little to say on this since June, when he called it one of his top federal priorities.

The prospects for a legislative solution are very up in the air right now, so anyone that believes reforming the system must begin now might want to apply some pressure on their represenatives in Sacramento.

A Modest Proposal From The Fresno Bee

Columnist Jim Boren boldly calls for anarchy.

The only thing the 52-day budget stalemate proved is how irrelevant the California Legislature has become. Change a few laws and we wouldn’t need them at all.

State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata wants to reform the state budget process. I say reform the whole bunch out of business. Nothing the legislators have done over the past two months — maybe the past several decades — has made life better for Californians.

This guy’s the editor of the editorial page, and a crank, so he doesn’t appear to examine the reasons WHY the legislative process is stalled.  This is classic “a pox on both your houses” editorializing, the likes of which you’d typically find in the back of a bar.  And I would guess this pretty much molds political opinion for many in the Central Valley, where independence is no doubt prized.


Scratch about an inch beneath the surface and you see how shallow this line of thinking is.  I’ve perused a lot of Boren’s editorials, and they all fall along these lines, begging for some favored political structure in the hazy, Vasoline-smeared lens of the distant past.  There are never any solutions put forth other than bromides like “let the people decide!” (yeah, direct democracy’s worked out amazing so far).  And there’s never any analysis of the specifics of how we’ve gotten to this point, like the rare 2/3 requirement for budget passage.  It’s just a lament, a laundry list of problems without the courage to offer a solution.  And this line of thinking is as debilitating to progress as the problems themselves.  It sets up a  learned helplessness where everyone assumes that City Hall can’t be fought, that the structural issues in government are immutable.  In a word, it’s lazy, and it has no place in serious discourse.  And yet it often stands in for that discourse.  I wish these editorializers wouldn’t see being a crank as the ultimate seriousness and would have the courage to take a stand.