(full disclosure: I work for Courage)
There are 94,000 Decline-to-State (DTS) votes that have gone uncounted in Los Angeles County due to the “Double Bubble Trouble”
The Courage Campaign lawyers have been back in forth with Dean Logan, the LA County Registrar of Voters (ROV) over the last 24 hours. While the Registrar is making noises to the press about counting all 94,000 votes that have not been counted because the voter missed the redundant Democratic bubble, he is only talking about sampling 5% of the vote. Those 94,000 amount to about HALF of all of the ballots cast by Decline-to-State voters on Tuesday in LA County.
That is why this afternoon we launched a petition to Dean Logan. The message is simple. Count. Every. Vote.
We have gotten dozens of stories via email, phone and our website from DTS voters in Los Angeles who think their votes have not been counted, because they missed the extra bubble. This one from Julian H. is just heart breaking to me.
“I’ve been following politics before I even hit my teens. And 2 weeks before this election, I turned 18, with my registration in weeks before. I knew the issues, the candidates, the propositions, and for the fist time in my life cast a ballot. I heard the next day about the double bubble. No one at the polls mentioned it, and I didn’t see instructions that even pointed to its existence. It’s not such a great feeling that you’re first close up experience in a system you’ve watched for so long at a distance could have amounted to nothing.”
Julian is just one of the 94,000 voters who are currently disenfranchised.
Despite Logan’s last minute attempts to notify poll workers about this problem, at the suggestion of our lawyers, not everyone got the message.
Maria wrote on a blog post of mine on the Courage site:
As a volunteer pollworker our training materials (which I still have) only indicated that non-partisan voters should be given a non-partisan ballot and should be directed to either a non-partisan booth, an AI booth or a Democratic booth.
Believe me if we had been told that their vote would not count if that bubble were not filled we would have emphasized that.
I feel betrayed by the county. After spending all this time preparing for the elections we had 1/6 of the voters voting provisional ballots because they could not be found in the rosters and now this.
Who can I talk to about what I witnessed on Feb 5th? I am really concerned. I have volunteered 3 consecutive times as a pollworker and this is the worst election by far.
We will not let this one go. All of the votes need to be counted. The Registrar needs to make sure that this never happens again.
We need to fix the underlying problem effecting all DTS voters. Poll workers should be allowed to and trained to offer up choices of ballots to DTS voters. There is no reason why they should have to ask for one.