All posts by Marcy Winograd 2010

Marcy Winograd – The Real Progressive

Dear Friends and Volunteers,

Thank you for your enduring support and activism on behalf of a myriad of issues, many of which are at the core of my congressional campaign.  I’m talking about our work to transition from a permanent war economy to a new green economy, to protect the accuracy of our vote, to stop new offshore oil leases, and to advance prison reform.

Marta Evry is a blogger who, despite her good work on the California budget crisis, wants to re-elect my opponent, arguing that Jane Harman is a progressive.  With a flick of her wrist, Marta dismisses Harman’s repeated votes for war and occupation, for an onerous bankruptcy bill, for a free trade agreement that lowers labor and environmental standards, for her reported collusion with AIPAC to advance her own career in exchange for a promise to subvert due process, for her vote against affordable breast cancer medication, and for her cover-up of the Bush administration’s massive illegal wiretapping program.

The last time I checked the above credentials were not ones a progressive would trumpet.  For the record, Harman is a member of the corporate Democrats’ Blue Dog coalition.

In terms of the attacks Marta has leveled against me, please know that 98% of the stocks in question were sold years ago, and today I do not own any of the stocks to which Marta raised objections.  My opponent, however, invests up to eight million dollars in weapons manufacturers, and has never once recused herself from war supplemental votes.  Nor did Harman recuse herself from the  overnight bank bailout vote, despite the fact that her most recent disclosure statement indicates she had up to 5-million invested in Goldman Sachs at the time of the bail-out.

My husband and I do have family investments in property in Santa Monica, approximately six blocks outside the district.  For the record, however, I do not live in Santa Monica.  My husband and I have lived in the 36th congressional district in Marina del Rey for nearly two years.  Prior to that, we lived in Pacific Palisades, in Congressman Waxman’s district.

Unfortunately, a year ago Marta published on her blog misinformation, accusing me of not living in the district — and refusing to correct her mistake when asked to clarify for the sake of her readers.

I’m sure Harman, with her net worth of 300-million plus, has plenty invested in real estate outside of the 36th congressional district.

Additionally, I am sorry Marta fails to value my work on behalf of our community, our state, our nation, and our world.  For the last 15 years I have worked either as a classroom teacher, school facilitator, or literacy coach, with four of  those years working at a variety of schools, from West LA to Wilmington, in our district to improve education.  I feel fortunate to have worked with many dedicated educators collaborating to embed research-based literacy strategies in every subject.  Most recently, I taught and coached at Crenshaw HS in South Los Angeles, where I worked to establish a Social Justice and the Law Academy.  South LA is a few miles from our district, but what happens there impacts us all.  In short, education matters.  Youth matters.

Many of you know of my leadership in the anti-war movement, from the days when I marched in Los Angeles and San Francisco to end the Vietnam War to the present tense when, in the last few years, I co-wrote resolutions putting the California Democratic Party on record calling for an end to US military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I am honored to have organized with Congresswoman Maxine Waters a 1,000 strong Out of Iraq town hall, and to have led a peace delegation from Los Angeles to Capitol Hill.

On the state level, you may also know that I worked hard to protect our vote, testifying in Sacramento against empowering the electronic voting industry, promoting Debra Bowen as Secretary of State – and beyond that working to make sure Bowen stayed in office.  My campaign manager Michael Jay and I, hearing that our own local Registrar was organizing to drive Bowen from office, circulated petitions and visited every county supervisors’ office to support Bowen and her courageous stance to rid our polls of hackable touchscreen machines.

On another occasion, I testified in Sacramento against prison expansion — this on the heels of the state assembly’s passage of a bill to expand our prisons, despite the cost to our youth in California – where one out of every four African American men in their 20s is behind bars.

For those committed to single-payer health care, know that I have spent the last several years mobilizing support for single-payer, via letter-writing campaigns, party resolutions, and town hall forums.  At the start of my current congressional campaign, I ran a commercial challenging Jane Harman to sign on to Congressman Conyers’ bill HR676 for single-payer health care.  Harman never did.

Finally, on the timely subject of the middle east, I distinguish myself from my opponent who chooses to appear at AIPAC conferences calling for the Balkanization of Iran and on Fox News announcing a military attack on Iran is still on the table.  In contrast, I am committed to a just and lasting peace that recognizes the equality and dignity of all in the middle east.  In that regard, I co-founded LA Jews for Peace and have worked to raise money to rebuild homes Israel has demolished in the West Bank.  There is no safety, nor security, nor dignity in perpetrating human rights violations.  I have repeatedly invited my opponent to join me in supporting universal human rights — but she has not been forthcoming.

Clearly, the voters in the 36th congressional district have a choice on Tues., June 8th.  They can cast their vote for an incumbent who stands for war and Wall Street or a grassroots leader committed to peace and social justice.  While Harman is awash in corporate contributions, I am not taking a dime of corporate money because this is a people-powered campaign.  If you have not already gotten involved, there’s still time, albeit only a few days left.  Email [email protected] to phone bank or precinct walk and donate at Again, I want to thank you for your support and grassroots leadership. I am proud to work with you for progressive change in America.


Marcy Winograd

Marcy Winograd Asks For Your Vote – For Real Change

(Calitics promotes diaries from candidates and elected officials. – promoted by Robert Cruickshank)

Dear Friends,

I’m Marcy Winograd and I humbly ask for your vote in my challenge to Jane Harman in the June 8 Democratic primary.  I agree that the opportunity to serve is not an entitlement.  That’s why when Congress debates health care or the wars or the foreclosure crisis, I will take the debate to my district with town halls and meetings.  The people are entitled to participate in a national debate. Unfortunately, my opponent was one of the few in southern California who failed to hold one town hall during the epic health care debate. 

Our Democratic district deserves a real Democrat as its representative, not someone beholden to big banks, Wall Street, or the weapons industry.  We are at the crossroads and the choice is clear.  Together, we can all win.  Just watch.

EDIT by Robert: More (including a video) over the flip.

Together We All Win

I’m proud of my record, from my support of Daniel Ellsberg in the ’70’s to my more recent efforts putting the California Democratic Party on record to end new oil drilling and to bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m even more excited about my plans to represent the 36th district, beginning with a transition from Harman’s permanent war economy to my Green New Deal, which will draw on the technical talent of our region to make it a center for green jobs in America. As a long-time teacher, I look forward to being the nation’s advocate for restoring world-class education–a voice stunningly absent in Congress. And much of my work will be to undo what Jane Harman & the Blue Dogs have done.  I’ll champion peace initiatives, not perpetual war with its attendant civil liberties violations – illegal wiretapping, preventative detention, kidnappings, and torture. On the home front, I’ll work to freeze foreclosures, modify home loans, repeal unfair trade agreements that outsource jobs, and amend the bankruptcy bill to forgive medical bankruptcy.  In addition, I will relentlessly defend our greatest public safety nets: our pensions, Social Security, and Medicare.  Republicans are on the offensive pushing a commission to “study” (cut) Social Security.  Unlike my opponent, I have been very clear where I stand on these safety nets.  We cannot allow them to be cut or privatized.  

I also look forward to working with the Congressional Progressive Caucus–Congress’ largest caucus–to make it a swing voting block that can advance progressive programs like the enactment of single-payer health care and the partnership of big banks with community banks. The 36th district, where Democratic registration outnumbers Republican by 18%, is a progressive district, and it’s high time we had a representative who believes in core Democratic values: diplomacy, social responsibility, and constitutional rights. As the founder of Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles and an organizer of the CDP’s Progressive Caucus, I will be proud to make the Congressional Progressive Caucus a key advocate for change in Washington.

Above all, I’ll be what the Founding Fathers & Mothers imagined our Representatives to be: One of the people. I’ll be out in the schools and neighborhoods, living my life as I do now, where people work and shop. This district will once again be able to meet its Congresswoman in a town hall, and access will not be limited to the rich and powerful.

Indeed, the opportunity to serve is not an entitlement. I’ve earned my right to office from a lifetime of service, and I’ve built my grassroots campaign without a dime of corporate money. I ask all Democrats to remember what it’s supposed to mean to be a Democrat, and to give me your vote on June 8th. Thank you.

Marcy Winograd

A REAL Democrat for the People

36th Congressional District Candidate

Campaign Headquarters: 310 822 3400

