All posts by McNerneyForCongress

One Nation, One Moment, One Action

(Go Congressman!- blogswarm;
Now cross-posted at MyDD! Go over and rec it! : ) – promoted by atdleft

NOTE: The initial inspiration for Jerry McNerney to advocate this action was a Daily Kos diary titled “Will he still love me?” by testvet6778; this is also cross-posted on Jerry’s Blog… – Eden w/ McNerney for Congress


Today is Memorial Day, a time to recognize and honor the men and women who have given their lives in service to our nation for over two centuries, from the American Revolution to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While this day is always a solemn national event, I know many Americans are feeling a profound sense of pain on this particular Memorial Day. The thoughts and feelings you have expressed to me about how to support our troops in this time of war — in-person at my “Congress At Your Corner” events, by phone, through email, or in the hundreds of comments on my blog — is a reflection of that deep sentiment.

More below the fold, including a very important action you can take to support our veterans living with Traumatic Brain Injury and an update on our effort to save the Livermore VA hospital from being closed…

While our country may be divided about how best to support our troops in these conflicts abroad, this day is about uniting to remember those who have given their all to our nation.


Today, you can join millions of your fellow Americans in reconciliation and respect by observing the “National Moment of Remembrance,” a national minute of silence at 3 p.m. local time. As Moment of Remembrance founder Carmella LaSpada says, this is “a way we can all help put the `memorial’ back in Memorial Day.”

We have a duty as Americans to remember the people who have sacrificed for our country. And, we also have a duty to take care of returning veterans whose body, mind or spirit may be wounded in the conflicts they fight abroad. That’s why I’ve recently led the effort to pass legislation that will significantly increase funding and research into Traumatic Brain Injury (or “TBI”), often caused by roadside bomb explosions.

Last year, I asked you on Memorial Day to financially support a grassroots organization called “Operation Helmet,” which provided special blast-protective headgear to troops in combat to prevent TBI. Your generosity — and the response by thousands of other Americans — was so profound that Operation Helmet recently announced that it no longer needed to solicit donations.

This year, no matter your feelings about the war, I want to ask you to join together again in collective action to heal our soldiers and our nation. Bob Woodruff, the former ABC News anchor who suffered a serious brain injury after a roadside bomb explosion last year, has founded the Bob Woodruff Family Fund for Traumatic Brain Injury to help soldiers suffering from TBI to receive cognitive rehabilitation.



On behalf of all the veterans who continue to suffer the ill effects of these horrific injuries, today I would like you to seriously consider making a contribution of whatever amount you can afford to the Bob Woodruff Family Fund for Traumatic Brain Injury.

Rest assured that contributions to the Woodruff Family Fund will actually go to the cause of caring for our veterans. When you click the “Donations” link at the web site above, you will be redirected to the Brain Injury Association of America. Under the section “Program Area," please click the scroll bar to select “Bob Woodruff Family Fund for TBI” as the recipient of your donation.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this important request on this solemn day.



P.S. Many of you have recently asked me how we can save the veterans hospital facility in Livermore from closing due to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs federal budget cutbacks. Rest assured that I will continue to focus my energy on keeping the Livermore VA hospital open and potentially expand its services to help veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

With growing support for my PTSD proposal for Livermore from major newspapers across our region, there is a growing consensus that keeping the Livermore VA open and reshaping its mission would be in the best interests of our veterans. You can read those newspapers editorials and other posts on my efforts to keep the Livermore VA open by clicking here to read the “Veterans Affairs” section of my campaign blog.

From Jerry McNerney: Please vote for Charlie (again)

(Vote for Charlie first. Then go chip in some support to Jerry and Charlie at our Brew House ActBlue page. – promoted by juls)

(cross-posted from Jerry’s Blog)

I have an urgent and important request.

Please take just a few seconds to vote for Charlie Brown right now in the second and final round of Democracy for America’s "Grassroots All-Star" congressional campaign competition, ending Wednesday at midnight.

Your vote last year made me DFA’s 2006 "Grassroots All-Star," giving me a critically early boost in our campaign to defeat Richard Pombo. Your vote today can make Charlie Brown — the only California candidate in the competition — DFA’s 2007 "Grassroots All-Star" and help him defeat scandal-plagued Rep. John Doolittle.

From our district to Charlie’s district, we’re building a movement to clean up the GOP’s culture of corruption in Congress. Join us by voting for Charlie now at:


Thank you!


Calitics: You can help me “pay it forward”…

(OK, sure! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

First off, I want to say that I am looking forward to meeting a lot of folks I’ve only heard about online at the “Blue House at the Brew House” blograiser at the California Democratic Convention next Friday.

Just a few days ago, I went to the YearlyKos fundraiser YearlyKos fundraiser in Washington, DC. You can see some of the pictures from that event, including a photo of me with Dengre, in NYBri’s recommended diary.

As you all know, I defeated Richard Pombo, a seven-term Republican incumbent, and was elected to Congress in 2006 on a wave of grassroots and netroots support. But, what some of you may not know is that I ran in 2004 and lost.

Sometimes, it takes more than one election cycle for voters to realize it’s time for a change. That’s why I am proud to post the following request on Calitics today.

Come over to the other side of this diary for the rest of the story.

When the pundits and power-brokers were telling us we could not defeat Richard Pombo, thousands of Democracy for America supporters pushed back, voting to give me DFA’s 2006 "Grassroots All-Star" endorsement, a crucial turning point that provided our campaign with a major financial boost.

Today, seven excellent grassroots candidates are competing to win DFA’s  first congressional endorsement of 2007. You can help me grow the Democratic majority in Congress in 2008 by voting for your next DFA Grassroots All-Star right now:


DFA’s early endorsement helped me win a seat in Congress, showing that bottom-up, people-powered grassroots organizing works. Your Grassroots All-Star vote changed the race, helping us attract significant early support from the netroots and crucial media attention.

As Charles Chamberlain commented in a diary on Daily Kos yesterday, even the National Journal recognized the power of this endorsement:

Even after McNerney’s impressive primary upset, the DCCC was not sold on his viability. But over the summer, he began picking up extensive “netroots” support and captured the imagination of liberal Internet activists. He also won the “Grassroots All-Star” online voting contest run by Democracy for America, a political action committee inspired by Howard Dean. The group’s endorsement triggered campaign contributions for McNerney from around the country.

Now, you can make a difference again. Democracy for America has put together a list of candidates that came extremely close last year, ran an excellent grassroots campaign, and have already thrown their hat back in the ring. These candidates need your help to finish what they started in 2006. It’s up to you to decide who DFA will support next.

Please vote today for DFA’s 2007 Grassroots All-Star:


Don’t stop there. We won the Grassroots All-Star competition in 2006 because our supporters spread the word about this important competition to their friends, family and neighbors — in the grassroots and the netroots. So, after you vote today, please recommend this diary on Daily Kos and ask your friends to support your candidate.

Getting out the vote is how you took back Congress in 2006 and it’s how we’ll grow our Democratic majority in 2008. You can get the ball rolling now by voting for your DFA Grassroots All-Star candidate today and telling your fellow Kossacks to do the same.

IMPORTANT: According to DFA, the first-round deadline is Sunday at midnight. So, you’ve got three days to GOTV!

Please use this diary to talk up your favorite candidate and why you think they should be the next DFA Grassroots All-Star!

Thank you for everything you do.

Jerry McNerney
Member of Congress
2006 DFA Grassroots All-Star

Join Jerry McNerney on firedoglake today (live-blogging 1-3 pm PST)

(Will you be in front of your computer this afternoon? If so, here’s your chance to talk to Rep. McNerney! And for all you NorCal people, go to Jerry’s Ice Cream Social in Dublin at 6:00 PM tonight to see Rep. McNerney IN PERSON!! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

x-posted at MyDD and Daily Kos

Hi Calitics’istas (and Kossacks and MyDD’ers) –

I would like to invite all of you to join Congressman Jerry McNerney — the netroots hero who defeated Richard Pombo — this afternoon at firedoglake’s Blue America. But first, I have some great news to tell you.

On Monday, your votes helped Jerry win Senator John Kerry’s national "March Madness" campaign competition (along with Rep. Nancy Boyda, KS-2). As a result, Senator Kerry sent over 3 million people an email yesterday asking them to support Jerry, as well as Rep. Boyda, and Senators Tom Harkin and Mark Pryor.

Last night, you did it again. We asked our grassroots and netroots supporters to "Hit a Home Run for Jerry" by raising $300,000 before the Federal Election Commission’s March 31st midnight deadline. And, late last night, you hit it out of the park– a full 24 hours before the deadline.   

More below the flip…

I talked with the Congressman last night and he told me that he wanted everyone to know how grateful he is to the netroots and grassroots. Time and time again, you have demonstrated your incredible enthusiasm and generosity for Jerry. In our phone call, Jerry was truly humbled and amazed at the depth of your commitment.

If you would like to talk with Jerry as well, you have two great opportunities on Saturday. You can meet with the Congressman either online or in-person and ask him the questions that concern you the most about the future of our country and the world.


The first opportunity is for the netroots. Jerry will be live-blogging on firedoglake’s "Blue America" from 1-3 p.m. PST (4-6 p.m. EST) on Saturday (March 31). Please come to on Saturday and post your questions. The Congressman will answer them as fast as his fingers can type.

Jerry was just added to Blue America’s ActBlue page a few days ago, and of the five excellent candidates listed, he’s got a lot of ground to make up (in 2006, Blue America’s netroots activists raised over $25,000 for Jerry). By the end of Saturday, we want Jerry to be the top netroots candidate, in terms of both total donors and total dollars raised.

Whether you are able to live-blog with Jerry on or not, you can still help Jerry move up the Blue America donor standings by contributing any amount right now at:



If you are in Northern California, you can also talk with the Congressman in-person at "Jerry’s Ice Cream Social" in Dublin from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday night. At this special event, Jerry will talk about his first 84 days in Congress and what you can do to help him move America in a new direction.

The Ice Cream Social will be held on the 2nd floor of our campaign headquarters at 6250 Village Parkway in Dublin. 

Please RSVP by sending an email to "RSVP AT" or call 925-833-0643.

Thank you again for winning the Kerry competition, breaking the $300,000 Bat, and taking the time to talk with Jerry on Saturday.

Remember, without your people power, none of this would be possible.

I’ll join you in the comments if you have any questions!

Eden w/ McNerney for Congress

P.S. if you don’t remember what this man stands for, here’s a good reminder 🙂