I hope you all don’t mind a New Yorker posting here, but I was asked to do some Internet outreach by the California for Gore people, and this is the obvious place to start. If you don’t know, California for Gore was launched not too long ago with the sole purpose of organizing people, collecting signatures, and eventually getting Al Gore’s name on the primary ballot early next year. To do so, 500 Democratic signatures are needed from every congressional district, and from what I understand, an affidavit by Gore is not necessary. In other words, if the signatures are gotten, his name will be appearing on the ballot, and he will have delegates at the convention whether he announces a run or not.
In California, perhaps more so than in any other state, there is a huge groundswell of support for a Gore candidacy. In a March poll – mind you, this was before The Assault on Reason, an Emmy, and Nobel Peace Prize speculation – Gore was already in second place and only six points behind Hillary in CA. That’s without spending a single dollar, having a single intern, or having any kind of organization whatsoever. If Gore announces, he wins California, simple as that. Even if Gore doesn’t announce, if he’s on the ballot, he’ll get a ton of delegates. And keep in mind, should he not run but still garner a significant amount of delegates (similar efforts are going on in many other states), a brokered convention is very possible and a Gore candidacy “compromise” is a leading solution.
Please, if Gore is your #1 man, don’t settle for #2 – the stakes are too high to do so. You can enter your volunteer information on this page, email california4gore(at)gmail.com or call directly at 858-581-1024. Be a part of history and help Draft Gore!