All posts by Storm For Assembly

State Government Has Failed. It’s time to recall them. All of them.

Midnight sessions. Seven month delays in passing a budget. Deep cuts in basic services. Regressive tax hikes. State employees out of work. School districts are deciding whether to lay off teachers or cut pay for everyone to save some jobs. People’s lives are being affected-real lives.

None of this matters. To Sacramento, it’s just collateral damage. The Legislature has for too long acted in anonymity from the safety of gerrymandered districts and the ability to put real controversial issues into Propositions instead of putting their name on a roll call.

This is the result. A majority that can’t govern. A minority that can block anything it wants despite having the support of a minority of voters.

We are literally a few steps away from sovereign default and absolute chaos in the state government. What will happen? Especially in areas like the 33rd assembly district where state workers are make up a large proportion of the buying power.

It’s time to act. We need to recall many, if not all, of the members of the Legislature and the Governor if order is not restored soon.

Please Support Pro-Democracy Budget Reform Measure ACA 4.

Jon-Erik G. Storm is a candidate for State Assembly in the 33rd District in 2010. He is an attorney in Santa Maria, and lives with his wife, Lara, a 6th grade teacher, in Los Osos. The 33rd District is the least affordable place to live in California, something Jon-Erik is committed to changing. He is also committed to restoring representative democracy to California.

Speaker Karen Bass has proposed a Constitutional Amendment to restore democracy to California’s broken budget process. If passed, this bill would put the question to a vote as a referendum.

If this bill passes, we would have the opportunity to vote for it in a possible special election this June. I would also ask that you support that referendum. In order to get it passed, however, this measure requires two-thirds support in both Houses of the Legislature. Three Republican Assemblymembers and two Republican Senators must join with our Leadership on this. Please respectfully ask for the support of your legislative representatives, regardless of party.

Thank you for your attention.


Jon-Erik G. Storm


[email protected]
