All posts by auntialias

Last minute mailer from Yes on 8: Barack Obama “appears” to support the initiative

My S.O. received this mailer yesterday from the Yes on 8 people: Barack Obama’s statement about gay marriage (+ Biden’s statement, and statements of other African-American ministers) make it appear as though Obama supports proposition 8.

The final days before the election bring out the nasty stuff that’s hard to combat… because time is running out. Focus on the Family and Knights of Columbus and the rest of the Mormon-Church funds effort to change the California constutition goes there… and implies that Obama endorses a yes vote on Prop 8. These people are trying their darndest to change the California State Constitution; we must try our darndest to stop them!!

It leads off with: “I’m not in favor of gay marriage…” from Obama’s Hardball interview on April 2, 2008.

Here’s a scan of the front, go over the fold to see the back of the mailer (which arrived at the home of my S.O. yesterday).

The small text (on the front):

When asked to specifically define his views on marriage, Obama has stated that he believes “that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.” “Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. God’s in the mix,” he added.

Here’s the back:

To view these images at larger size, go here for the front and here for the back side.

And get out there and fight back!!

Poll shows David Dreier below majority support

Beacon Media News, publishers of Sierra Madre Weekly, Monrovia Weekly, Pasadena Independent, and Arcadia Weekly, note the results of a Russ Warner-paid-for poll of the 26th district that shows Dreier’s vulnerability in the district.

Link to story:…

Republican Congressman David Dreier falling below the crucial 50% support threshold for re-election. After voters hear biographical statements on both Warner and Dreier, the race pulls into a statistical tie.

The poll was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, a respected national polling firm, with a sample size of 400 likely voters in California’s 26th district.


There’s more in the article w/ highlights from the poll. Bush’s high disapproval rating (63%).


After hearing balanced statements about each of the candidates, Democrat Russ Warner pulls into a statistical tie with Dreier (44 percent to 47 percent).

The key there is “balanced statements.” There’s a risk to that. I listened as David Dreier, in a conference call w/ people in the district, smoothly mentioned that the leadership in congress wants to see gas prices go up to $10/gallon. Color me skeptical and not-hoodwinked. It’s true that I have not fact checked that statement. But I have no trouble imagining the same kind of calmly reasonable voice coming out with statements — unbalanced statements, lying statements — about Warner.

He certainly has lied about his own record. Voting against the GI bill and then touting his support for veterans.

So here’s the challenge for the remainder of the campaign: If Warner can get the word out about himself so that voters can truly make a comparison between the two candidates, he has a chance to win this race.

That’s the hopeful part.

The challenge is that  Mr. Smooth Liar Dreier may sandbag things by unbalanced statements.

Russ Warner’s Campaign Home Page:

Cross posted at DKos:

THURSDAY: Russ Warner Coffee & Conversation meeting in Monrovia: 1st of weekly meetings in CA-26

Thursday night, August 14th, from 6:30-8:00 pm at the Monrovia Community Center (119 West Palm Avenue), Russ Warner will be holding the first of many “Coffee and Conversation” meetings (or, as I put it Coffee, Dessert, and Democracy) throughout the district, to give voters in CA-26 an opportunity to meet him.

Each week (he’s taking Democratic Convention week off, tho), the meeting will be in a different part of the district. See below the fold for meetings over the next few weeks.  

Week 1: Thursday, August 14 6:30-8pm Monrovia. Monrovia Community Center, 119 West Palm Avenue.


Week 2: Thursday, August 21. 6:30-8pm San Marino: Crowell Public Library.

Week 3: Democratic National Convention. No meeting

Week 4: September 4th: La Cañada. Location TBA.

If you know people who live in these communities, please let them know about this opportunity to meet Russ Warner and to hear from and speak to him.

Dianne Feinstein attached electrodes to my conscience and then hit the power switch

If torture is something that “shocks the conscience,” and Dianne Feinstein has come out in favor of someone who refuses to make a clear statement about waterboarding being torture, then let’s use that language in our response back to her, and in discussion about what she did.

Dianne Feinstein attached electrodes to my conscience, then she hit the power switch.

Her vote for Mukasey is a vote in support of this administration’s shameful ambiguity about using torture. Dianne Feinstein has embraced this administration’s ongoing debasement of the pride and humanity and moral standings of a nation founded in the rule of law.