Tag Archives: Knights of Columbus

Last minute mailer from Yes on 8: Barack Obama “appears” to support the initiative

My S.O. received this mailer yesterday from the Yes on 8 people: Barack Obama’s statement about gay marriage (+ Biden’s statement, and statements of other African-American ministers) make it appear as though Obama supports proposition 8.

The final days before the election bring out the nasty stuff that’s hard to combat… because time is running out. Focus on the Family and Knights of Columbus and the rest of the Mormon-Church funds effort to change the California constutition goes there… and implies that Obama endorses a yes vote on Prop 8. These people are trying their darndest to change the California State Constitution; we must try our darndest to stop them!!

It leads off with: “I’m not in favor of gay marriage…” from Obama’s Hardball interview on April 2, 2008.

Here’s a scan of the front, go over the fold to see the back of the mailer (which arrived at the home of my S.O. yesterday).

The small text (on the front):

When asked to specifically define his views on marriage, Obama has stated that he believes “that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.” “Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. God’s in the mix,” he added.

Here’s the back:

To view these images at larger size, go here for the front and here for the back side.

And get out there and fight back!!