All posts by billl4

Keep the Ads Running – Bill Durston (CA-03)

(Another great progressive Democrat is Dr. Bill Durston in CA-03.  Help him out, and then give to our Calitics Match.  We’re over halfway to our goal! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

There are now two Durston for Congress (CA-03) ads that are running on both cable and network TV.  They have been very effective and we need to keep them running in order to reach the nearly 400,000 voters in Bill’s district!!

If you haven’t seen them yet, click on the pics below to take a look and let us know what you think.

Leadership, Courage, and Commitment

You can make a contribution on the secure Act Blue pages (click on the pics).  Your contribution of any amount will help the voters of Congressional District 3 see that we have an excellent alternative to the carpetbagging, Bush/Cheney supporting, career politician who currently represents this district (That’s Dan Lungren for those of you lucky enough to live outside the district – we’d love to send him back to Long Beach with your help! – sorry LB folks ;o)).

Politics as Usual

We are also phonebanking and walking precincts 7 days a week from our Fair Oaks office.  We even have a virtual phone bank option for those outside our district that would like to make calls from the comfort of their homes.  Send us an email if you’d like to help us put Bill over the top!

Please join Bill Durston supporters from all over California as we send Lungren packing his bags and put a true Progressive in Congress!!


Bill Lackemacher


Field Director

Bill Durston for Congress

Ps: For those interested in Bill Durston’s opinion of the Financial Bailout, check out his Op-Ed that he wrote last week.