Tag Archives: Lungren

Keep the Ads Running – Bill Durston (CA-03)

(Another great progressive Democrat is Dr. Bill Durston in CA-03.  Help him out, and then give to our Calitics Match.  We’re over halfway to our goal! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

There are now two Durston for Congress (CA-03) ads that are running on both cable and network TV.  They have been very effective and we need to keep them running in order to reach the nearly 400,000 voters in Bill’s district!!

If you haven’t seen them yet, click on the pics below to take a look and let us know what you think.

Leadership, Courage, and Commitment

You can make a contribution on the secure Act Blue pages (click on the pics).  Your contribution of any amount will help the voters of Congressional District 3 see that we have an excellent alternative to the carpetbagging, Bush/Cheney supporting, career politician who currently represents this district (That’s Dan Lungren for those of you lucky enough to live outside the district – we’d love to send him back to Long Beach with your help! – sorry LB folks ;o)).

Politics as Usual

We are also phonebanking and walking precincts 7 days a week from our Fair Oaks office.  We even have a virtual phone bank option for those outside our district that would like to make calls from the comfort of their homes.  Send us an email if you’d like to help us put Bill over the top!

Please join Bill Durston supporters from all over California as we send Lungren packing his bags and put a true Progressive in Congress!!


Bill Lackemacher


Field Director

Bill Durston for Congress


Ps: For those interested in Bill Durston’s opinion of the Financial Bailout, check out his Op-Ed that he wrote last week.

Bill Durston, A True Progressive for Ca-3

(I love it.  With the Presidential primary out of the way, these House races are the highest-profile races we can impact.  I’ll have a lot more this week, I promise to do a roundup! – promoted by David Dayen)

For those that live in the boundaries of District 3, which contains parts of Sacramento County, Calaveras County, and Alpine Country, you have a chance to elect a real Progressive.

Bill Durston is taking his second run to unseat Dan Lungren, a seven-term member of Congress, and staunch defender of Bush, and his lawless administration. Lungren has been in Congress since 1979, which was in the last century, and yes California, it’s time for a change.  

During the Viet Nam war, while Lungren, whose father was the personal physician of Richard Nixon, received a deferment, Bill Durston served his county by joining the U S Marines. Bill served in Vietnam with the Marines 3rd Force Reconnaissance Company, and he received the Navy Commendation medal for bravery under combat. Once stateside, Bill graduated first in his class in Biochemistry at U.C. Berkeley and entered Medical School at the University of California, San Francisco, where he was a Regent’s Scholar. He is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and has practiced in Sacramento for over 20 years.

Bill Durston is a man who has shown an unfailing commitment to his community, his state and his country. He is an emergency physician and he served on the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility from 1999-2003. He helped to re-form the Sacramento chapter in 2003 and served as PSR/Sacramento president until stepping down to run for Congress.


Bill Durston has a list of endorsements from organizations that reads like a who’s who’s of social conscience. Including, but not limited to, California Nurses Association, California Peace Action, Democracy for America, Impeach PAC, Sacramento Central Labor Council AFL-CIO, SEIU Local 535 and SEIU Local 1000. His personal endorsements include General Wesley Clark, The Honorable Max Cleland, and The Honorable Dave Jones (California State Assembly Member). Bill is also endorsed and supported by more than 1,100 other very important people who are actively working on his campaign. These are people just like you and me. (See link below for full list of endorsements.)


As the Representative of California’s 3rd Congressional District, Bill will bring a Progressive voice to the House of Representatives. He will work hard to bring our troops home promptly and safely from Iraq. As an emergency physician he has seen first hand the state of health care in our country, and he will work hard to provide affordable health care for all Americans. Bill Durston is a man who has not forgotten the principles upon which our country was founded and as our Representative, he will work tirelessly to uphold those principles.

Get involved in the real Progressive Movement today. Volunteer for, work for, and vote for Bill Durston. For the many people reading this from outside District 3 in California, take a moment or two, get to know Bill through his website, and think seriously about reaching deep and contributing to this campaign to change the direction of California.

Bill can go to Washington, and represent us all, but he can’t get there, without our help.


RE Rhoades