Tag Archives: Assembly Delegate Elections

Winning the Weekend: CDP Assembly Delegate Elections

So, I’m quite proud, and excited, to say that I will be serving as a delegate to the California Democratic Party for the next two years. My election on Saturday went quite well, and the entire Ammiano slate cruised through. And hey, I even ended up second overall in the voting.

The election process went remarkably smoothly, all things considered. Almost 250 people showed up on a Saturday morning to vote for the delegates, and 44 people ran.  People were outside the doors with literature and doing all your typical electioneering practices.  I won’t lie…I brought bagels.  Most, but not all, of the candidates got up to give a speech.

So, how did you do? How was the process?  Did a particular slate take all of the seats? Were they organized by an assembly member, or by John Burton, or an Obama group? I’d love to hear all the gory details.

PSA on AD-12 Del. Meeting Location

(Ah, the internet and rapid coordination: please email and call to spread the word. – promoted by blogswarm)

Just a “Meta” PSA as it took me over a half an hour to find the AD-12 CDP Meeting Location. The Address being reported by CDP is a bit deficient. The meeting is in a building at the Westlake Community Center Complex on the North side of Lake Merced Blvd., not the Home Depot side. Its bordered by an Overpass and a bunch of trees and a curve make it easy to miss as it sits down a slope off the road. Its in the Pacelli Event Center which houses the Gymnasium, its the room next to the Gym, the only sign for the “Lake Merced Room” says “Capacity 328 persons”.
Here’s the info below the fold.

AD-12 Meeting Info Details:

Date: Sunday, January 14, 2007
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Westlake Community Center Complex
Pacelli Event Center Building, Merced Room (no sign stating so,but its next to the Gymnasium)
145 Lake Merced Blvd, Daly City

FYI, my “Statement is here, just wanted to add that I am a Member of the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)
